may be incurred by the code county.
Public local laws enacted by the General
Assembly under this section prevail over
any public local laws enacted by the code
county under other sections in this Article.
Section 8.01. Public Education.
Declaration of Rights, Art. 43. That the
The General Assembly by law shall pro-
Legislature ought to encourage the diffusion
vide for a statewide system of free public
of knowledge and virtue, the extension of
schools. The system shall be headed by a
a judicious system of general education, the
governing board whose members shall be ap-
promotion of literature, the arts, sciences,
pointed by the governor. The General
agriculture, commerce and manufactures,
Assembly by law shall provide also for such
and the general melioration of the condi-
other public educational institutions and
tion of the People. The Legislature may
services as may be necessary or desirable for
provide that land actively devoted to farm
the intellectual, cultural, and occupational
or agricultural use shall be assessed on the
development of the people of this State.
basis of such use and shall not be assessed
as if subdivided.
Section 1. The General Assembly, at its
First Session after the adoption of this Con-
stitution, shall by Law establish throughout
the State a thorough and efficient System
of Free Public Schools; and shall provide
by taxation, or otherwise, for their main-
Sec. 2. The System of Public Schools, as
now constituted, shall remain in force until
the end of the said First Session of the
General Assembly, and shall then expire;
except so far as adopted, or continued, by
the General Assembly.
Section 8.02. Public Higher Education.
Sec. 3. The School Fund of the State shall
The governing boards prescribed by the
be kept inviolate, and appropriated only to
General Assembly by law for the University
the purposes of Education.
of Maryland, the state colleges, and all other
state institutions of higher education, includ-
ing community colleges, shall formulate poli-
cies for their respective institutions and shall
have general supervision over them in all ac-
ademic matters. These boards may be
granted by the General Assembly by law
such additional powers of supervision, direc-
tion, and control of their respective institu-
tions and over the expenditure of their
funds as the General Assembly may deem to
be appropriate.
Section 9.01. Oath.
Declaration of Rights, Art. 39. That the
Every person elected or appointed to any
manner of administering an oath or af-
office of profit or trust under the Constitu-
firmation to any person, ought to be such
tion or laws of this State, before he enters
as those of the religious persuasion, pro-