Multi-County Governments
Section 7.08. Establishment of Multi-County
Governmental Units.
Multi-county governmental units, includ-
ing intergovernmental authorities and popu-
larly elected representative regional gov-
ernments, shall consist of all or part of two
or more counties. The General Assembly may
provide by law for the establishment, merger,
or dissolution of multi-county governmental
units, or for the alteration of their bounda-
ries, or for the powers' they may exercise.
The General Assembly may provide for ref-
erenda on any of these laws pertaining to a
popularly elected representative regional gov-
Section 7.09. Financing of Intergovernmental
The General Assembly by law or a popu-
larly elected representative local government
by law may grant to an intergovernmental
authority the power to impose and to collect
service or benefit charges, to borrow money,
and to collect taxes imposed by the General
Assembly or by the popularly elected repre-
sentative local government, but may not
grant the power to impose taxes.
Credit Limitations
Section 7.10. Credit Limitations of Local
Art. III, sec. 54. No County of this
State shall contract any debt, or obligation,
The assets or credit of a unit of local gov-
in the construction of any Railroad, Canal,
ernment may be given or lent to any indi-
or other Work of Internal Improvement,
vidual, association, or corporation only if a
nor give, or loan its credit to, or in aid of
public purpose will be served thereby, and
any association, or corporation, unless au-
then subject to any other restrictions pre-
thorized by an Act of the General Assembly.
scribed by law. The act of the governing
body making the gift or loan shall state the
public purpose to be served, and no gift of
credit or loan of credit or loan of assets shall
be made without the consent of three-fifths
of the members of the governing body.
Art XI, sec. 7. From and after the
adoption of this Constitution, no debt
(except as hereinafter excepted), shall be
created by the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore; nor shall the credit of the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore be given, or
loaned to, or in aid of any individual,
association, or corporation; nor shall the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore have
the power to involve the City of Baltimore
in the construction of works of internal
improvement, nor in granting any aid
thereto, which shall involve the faith and
credit of the city, nor make any appropria-
tion therefor, unless such debt or credit be
authorized by an Act of the General As-
sembly of Maryland, and by an ordinance
of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore,
submitted to the legal voters of the City
of Baltimore, at such time and place as