Municipal Corporations and Intracounty
Governmental Units
Section 7.05. Existing Municipal Corpora-
Art. XI-E, sec. 3. Any such municipal
corporation, now existing or hereafter cre-
Municipal corporation shall mean an in^
ated, shall have the power and authority,
corporated city, town, or village, but shall
(a) to amend or repeal an existing charter
not include Baltimore City or any other
or local laws relating to the incorporation,
county. Municipal corporations existing at
organization, government, dr affairs of said
the effective date of this Constitution may
municipal corporation heretofore enacted by
not be merged or dissolved or have their
the General Assembly of Maryland, and (b)
boundaries altered or have their existing
to adopt a new charter, and to amend or
powers withdrawn, without the consent of
repeal any charter adopted under the pro-
the governing bodies of the county and the
visions of this Article.
municipal corporations affected, or except as
the General Assembly may prescribe by law.
Sec. 6. Ail charter provisions, or amend-
ments thereto, adopted under the provi-
sions of this Article, shall be subject to all
applicable laws enacted by the General
Assembly; except that any local laws, of
amendments thereto, relating to the incor-
poration, organization, government, or af-
fairs of any municipal corporation and en-
acted before this Article becomes effective,
shall be subject to any charter provisions.
or amendments thereto, adopted under the
provisions of this Article. Any local law,
or amendments thereto, relating to the in-
corporation, organization, government, or
affairs of any municipal corporation and in
effect at the time this Article becomes
effective, shall be subject to any applicable
State law enacted after this Article becomes
effective. All laws enacted by the General
Assembly and in effect at tfye time this
Article becomes effective, shall remain in
effect until amended or repealed in accord"
ance with the provisions of this Constitu-
tion, Nothing in this Article shall be con-
strued to authorize any municipal corpo-
ration, by any amendment or addition to
its charter, to permit any act which is
prohibited by the laws of this State con-
cerning the observance of the Sabbath Day
or the manufacture, licensing or sale of
alcoholic beverages.
Section 7.06. New Municipal Corporations
Art. XI-E, section 1. Except as provided
and Intracounty Governmental Units.
elsewhere in this Article, the General As-
A county may provide by law for the crea-
tion of new municipal corporations and
other units of local government comprising a
part of the area of the county and by law
may grant to and withdraw from them any
and all powers of the county, subject to any
procedures and standards that the General
Assembly may prescribe by law.
sembly shall not pass any law relating to
the incorporation, organization, government,
or affairs of those municipal corporations
which are not authorized by Article 11 -A
of the Constitution to have a charter form
of government which will be special or
local in its terms or in its effect, but the
General Assembly shall act in relation to
the incorporation, organization, government,
or affairs of any such municipal corpora-