formed according to the provisions of this
Constitution, shall be embraced in the First
Judicial Circuit; and the times for holding
the Courts therein shall be fixed and deter-
mined by the General Assembly.
Sec. 6. The General Assembly shall pass
all such Laws as may be necessary more
fully to carry into effect the provisions of
this Article.
Section 7.02. Structure of County Govern-
Section 1. County Commissioners shall
be elected on general ticket of each county
Each county shall have a written instru-
by the qualified voters of the several coun-
ment of government which establishes its
ties of the State on the Tuesday next after
governmental structure. An instrument of
the first Monday in the month of November,
government shall be submitted to the voters
commencing in the year nineteen hundred
of the county and shall be adopted only if
and fifty-eight; their number in each county,
approved by a majority of those voting on
their compensation, powers and duties shall
the proposal.
be such as now or may be hereafter pre-
scribed by Law; they shall be elected at
such times, in such numbers and for such
periods, not exceeding four years, as may be
prescribed by Law.
See Art. XI, Sec. 1 at Section 7.01 for the
election of the mayor of Baltimore City.
Art. XI, sec. 2. The City Council of Balti-
more shall consist of Two Branches, one of
which shall be called the First Branch, and
the other the Second Branch; and each shall
consist of such number of members, having
such qualification, receiving such compen-
sation, performing such duties, possessing
such powers, holding such terms of office,
and elected in such manner, as are now, or
may hereafter be prescribed by Law.
Sec. 3. In election for members of the
First Branch of the City Council of Balti-
more shall be held in the City of Baltimore
on the Tuesday after the first Monday of
November, eighteen hundred and eighty-
nine, and on the same day in every year
thereafter; and for members of the Second
Branch on the Tuesday after the first Mon-
day of November, eighteen hundred and
eighty-nine, and on the same day in every
second year thereafter; and the qualification
for electors of the members of the City
Council shall be the same as those prescribed
for the electors of Mayor.
Sec. 4. The regular sessions of the City
Council of Baltimore (which shall be
annual,) shall commence on the third Mon-
day of January of each year, and shall not
continue more than ninety days, exclusive
of Sundays; but the Mayor may convene the