officers in the various Counties and in the
City of Baltimore shall be such as may be
prescribed by law.
Section 5.33. Clerks of Court.
Art. IV, sec. 17. There shall be a Clerk
The chief judge of each court shall ap-
of the Court of Appeals, who shall be
point, to serve at his pleasure, a chief clerk
appointed by and shall hold his office at the
of that court. There shall be in each county
pleasure of said Court of Appeals.
a clerk of the Superior Court who shall be
selected as prescribed by law. There shall be
in each county a clerk of the District Court
whose appointment and term shall be pre-
scribed by rule.
Sec. 25. There shall be a Clerk of the
Circuit Court for each County, who shall be
elected by a plurality of the qualified voters
of said County, and shall hold his office for
four years from the time of his election, and
until his successor is elected and qualified,
and be re-eligible, subject to be removed for
wilful neglect of duty, or other misde-
meanor in office, on conviction in a Court
of Law. In case of a vacancy in the office
of Clerk of a Circuit Court, the Judges of
said Court shall have power to fill such
vacancy until the general election for
Delegates to the General Assembly, to be
held next thereafter, when a successor shall
be elected for the term of four years.
Sec. 37. There shall be a Clerk of each
of the said Courts of Baltimore City, except
the Supreme Bench, who shall be elected
by the legal and qualified voters of said
City, at the election to be held in said City
on the Tuesday next after the First Monday
of November, in the year nineteen hundred
and fifty-eight, and shall hold his office for
four years from the time of his election,
and until his successor is elected and
qualified, and be re-eligible thereto, subject
to be removed for willful neglect of duty,
or other misdemeanor in office, on convic-
tion in a Court of Law. The salary of each
of the said Clerks shall be payable as
provided in Section 45 of Article 3 of this
Constitution, and they shall be entitled to
no other perquisites, or compensation. In
case of a vacancy in the office of Clerk of
any of said Courts, the Judges of said
Supreme Bench of Baltimore City shall have
power to fill such vacancy until the general
election of Delegates to the General As-
sembly, to be held next thereafter, when a
Clerk of said Court shall be elected to serve
for four years thereafter; and the provisions
of this Article in relation to the appoint-
ment of Deputies by the Clerks of the Cir-
cuit Courts in the Counties shall apply to
the Clerks of the Courts in Baltimore City.
Sec. 41 A (3). . . . There shall be a
Chief Constable of said Court, who shall
perform therein the duties prescribed for
Clerks of Court by Section 10 of this Article