shall consist of one judge of the Intermedi-
of Maryland. The members of the Com-
ate Appellate Court, one judge of the Supe-
mission shall be citizens and residents of
rior Court, one judge of the District Court,
this State. Three members of the Commis-
one lay member, and one lawyer member.
sion shall be appointed from among the
The Court of Appeals shall appoint the
judges of the Court of Appeals, the Circuit
judicial members. The governor shall ap-
Court for the Counties and of the Supreme
point the lay and lawyer members from
Bench of Baltimore City; one member shall
among the qualified voters of the State. The
be appointed from among those persons who
term of each member shall be four years, but
are admitted to the practice of Law in the
the General Assembly shall prescribe by law
State, who have been so engaged for at
shorter terms for the three judicial members
least fifteen years, and who is not a judge
and one of the other members first appoint-
of any Court; and one member shall rep-
ed, in order to establish overlapping terms of
resent the public, who shall not be a judge,
office. A vacancy on the Commission shall be
active or retired, and who is not admitted
filled for the remainder of the term. No
to the practice of Law in this State. The
member shall receive compensation for his
term of office of each member shall be for
four years commencing on January 1, except
that of those persons first appointed to the
Commission one shall be appointed for a
term of one year, one for two years, one
for three years, and two for four years and
thereafter all terms shall be for four years.
Whenever any member of the Commission
appointed from among judges in the State
ceases to be a judge, when any member
appointed from among those admitted to the
practice of Law becomes a judge, when
any member representing the public be-
comes a judge or is admitted to the practice
of Law in this State, or when any member
ceases to be a resident of the State, in
such case the membership of this member
shall forthwith terminate. Any vacancies on
the Commission shall be filled for the un-
expired term by the Governor in the same
manner as for making of appointments to
the Commission and subject to the same
qualifications which were applicable to the
person causing the vacancy. No member
of the Commission shall receive any com-
pensation for his services as such but shall
be allowed any expenses necessarily incur-
red in the performance of his duties as
such member.
Section 5.27. Powers of Commission on Ju-
Sec. 4B. (a) A judge of the Court of
dicial Disabilities.
Appeals, of the Circuit Courts for the
The Commission on Judicial Disabilities
Counties, of the Supreme Bench of Balti-
shall have the power to investigate com-
more City, of the Orphans' Courts and
plaints against any judge, to conduct hear-
all other judges elected or subject to elec-
ings concerning the removal or retirement of
tion, and those appointed if the full term
a judge, to administer oaths and affirmations,
of the particular office is for not less than
to issue process to compel the attendance of
four years, (including a judge holding office
witnesses and the production of evidence,
on the date of adoption of this Amend-
and to require persons to testify and produce
ment) may, in accordance with the pro-
evidence by granting them immunity from
cedure described in this section, be removed
prosecution or from penalty or forfeiture.
for misconduct in office, persistent failure
The Commission shall have the power to
to perform the duties of his office or con-
recommend to the Court of Appeals the re-
duct which shall prejudice the proper ad-