said Judges to be elected at the general
election to be held on the Tuesday after the
first Monday in November, as now provided
for in the Constitution. Each of the said
Judges shall hold his office for the term
of fifteen years from the time of his election,
and until his successor is elected and quali-
fied, or until he shall have attained the
age of seventy years, whichever may first
happen, and be re-eligible thereto until he
shall have attained the age of seventy
years, and not after. In case of the in-
ability of any of said Judges to discharge
his duties with efficiency, by reason of con-
tinued sickness, or of physical or mental
infirmity, it shall be in the power of the
General Assembly, two-thirds of the mem-
bers of each House concurring, with the
approval of the Governor to retire said
Judge from office.
Section 5.24. Judicial Compensation.
Sec. 6. All Judges shall, by virtue of
Each judge shall be compensated solely by
their offices, be Conservators of the Peace
the State for his judicial service. The com-
throughout the State; and no fees, or per-
pensation of a judge shall not be reduced
quisites, commission, or reward of any
during his continuance in office. Judges of
kind; shall be allowed to any Judge in this
the same court shall be paid the same com-
State, besides his annual salary, for the
pensation, including any pension based upon
discharge of any Judicial duty.
length of service, except that a uniform re-
duction in compensation may be made appli-
cable to all judges of the same court
appointed after the effective date of the re-
duction. A pension payable to a retired
judge or to his surviving spouse, or to the
Sec. 14..... The salary of each Judge
of the Court of Appeals shall be that now
or hereafter prescribed by the General
Assembly and shall not be diminished dur-
ing his continuance in office.......
surviving spouse of a deceased judge, pur-
Sec. 21....... All salaries now prescribed
suant to provisions in effect during his con-
by law for associate judges of the Circuit
tinuance in office, shall not be reduced.
Courts shall continue to apply to all judges
(including chief judges) of the Circuit
Sec. 24. The salary of each Chief Judge
and of each Associate Judge of the Circuit
Court shall not be diminished during his
continuance in office.
Sec. 40..... [Orphans' Court] Each of
said Judges shall be paid such compensa-
tion as may be regulated by Law, and to
be paid by the said City, or Counties,
Sec. 31... . . [Judges of the Supreme
Bench] shall each receive an annual salary
of three thousand five hundred dollars,
payable quarterly, which shall not be
diminished during their term of office; but
authority is hereby given to the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore to pay to each
of the said Judges an annual addition of
five hundred dollars to their respective
salaries: provided, that the same, being