of the applicable election a certificate of
candidacy in a form to be supplied by the
Unless his office shall have been abolished
pursuant to this section, each Judge of said
Court shall continue to hold office after the
expiration of his period of appointment or
term until a successor shall qualify. As used
in this section, "Congressional election"
means any of the biennial elections at which
members of the House of Representatives are
regularly chosen.
Sec. 4 IB. The General Assembly shall
have power by Law to establish a People's
Court in any county, or any part thereof,
incorporated city or town in this State,
except Baltimore City, and to prescribe and
from time to time to alter (1) the number,
qualifications, tenure, and method of se-
lection of the Judges of any such Court,
and their powers, duties and compensation,
except that the term of office or compensa-
tion of any Judge shall not be reduced
during his continuance in office; .....
Sec. 41C. (b) The Governor shall ap-
point to said Court, to take office on the
first Monday of May, 1961, four Associate
Judges for a term expiring December 31,
1962; four Associate Judges for a term
expiring December 31, 1964; and three
Associate Judges, one of whom shall be
designated Chief Judge, for a term expir-
ing December 31, 1966; and upon the
creation of any additional office in said
Court by increase in the number of Judges
pursuant to this section, the Governor shall
appoint an Associate Judge for a term
expiring on the thirty-first day of De-
cember in the year of the first biennial
general election for Representatives in Cong-
ress after one year from the effective date
of the legislation creating the additional
office. If any vacancy occurs during any
such original term, the Governor shall
appoint a successor to serve for the re-
mainder of such term. After the expiration
of said original terms, the terms of office
of said Court shall be for ten years from
the expiration of the preceding term, and
shall be filled as follows:
(1) Any qualified person, including an
incumbent Judge holding office by any such
initial or subsequent appointment or elec-
tion, shall be eligible for election for a term
of ten years, at the biennial election for
Representatives in Congress immediately
preceding the expiration of a term of office.