to retirement and removal from office;
and .....
See Art. IV, Sec. 41 B at Section 5.11 for
eligibility of county People's Court judges.
Sec. 41C (a) ... [Municipal Court of
Baltimore City] The Judges of said Court
shall have the qualifications prescribed by
Section 2 of this Article, shall each have
practiced law in the City of Baltimore for
a total period of at least five years and
shall devote their full time to the duties of
said Court; they shall hold office subject
to the provisions of Sections 3 and 4 of this
Article with regard to retirement and re-
moval from office; and they shall receive
such compensation from such sources as
shall be provided by Law by the General
Assembly, which shall not be diminished
during their continuance in office.......
Section 5.15. Nomination and Appointment.
Art. II, sec. 10. He [Governor] shall
A judicial nominating commission shall
nominate, and, by and with the advice and
nominate from three to five eligible persons
consent of the Senate, appoint all civil and
for each judicial vacancy. Nominations to fill
military officers of the State, whose appoint-
a vacancy shall be made not more than thir-
ment, or election, is not otherwise herein
ty days prior to nor more than sixty days af-
provided for, unless a different mode of
ter the vacancy occurs. The governor shall
appointment be prescribed by the Law
fill a vacancy by appointing one person from
creating the office.
the list of nominees. If the governor fails to
appoint one of the nominees within sixty
Art. IV, sec. 5. Upon every occurrence
days after receiving the list, his power to
make the appointment shall end and the
or recurrence of a vacancy through death,
resignation, removal, disqualification by
chief judge of the Court of Appeals shall ap-
point one of the nominees.
reason of age or otherwise, or expiration
of the term of fifteen years of any judge,
or creation of the office of any judge, or
in any other way, the Governor shall
appoint a person duly qualified to fill said
office, who shall hold the same until the
election and qualification of his successor;
except that when a vacancy shall exist in
the office of Chief Judge of the Supreme
Bench of Baltimore City, the Governor may
designate an Associate Judge of said Su-
preme Bench as Chief Judge of said Su-
preme Bench, and such appointee as Chief
Judge shall hold such office for the resi-
due of the term for which he was last
elected an Associate Judge of said Supreme
Bench. His successor shall be elected at
the first biennial general election for Rep-
resentatives in Congress after the expira-
tion of the term of fifteen years (if the
vacancy occurred in that way) or the
first such general election after one year
after the occurrence of the vacancy in any
other way than through expiration of such
term. Except in case of reappointment of
a judge upon expiration of his term of