Five of the judges shall constitute a
quorum, and five judges shall sit in each
case unless the Court shall direct that an
additional judge or judges sit for any case.
The concurrence of a majority of those
sitting shall be sufficient for the decision
of any cause, and an equal division of those
sitting in a case has the effect of affirming
the decision appealed from if there is no
application for re-argument as hereinafter
provided. In any case where there is an
equal division or a three to two division of
the Court a re-argument before the full
Court of seven judges shall be granted to
the losing party upon application as a
matter of right.
Section 5.05. Chief Judge of Court of Ap-
Sec. 14..... One of the Judges of the
Court of Appeals shall be designated by
The governor shall fill a vacancy in the
the Governor as the Chief Judge. . . .
office of chief judge of the Court of Appeals
by designating one of the judges of the
Court of Appeals to be chief judge for the
Sec. 18A..... In the absence of the
Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals the
remainder of his service on the Court, or un-
provisions of this section shall be applicable
til he resigns the office of chief judge. The
to the senior judge present in said Court
associate judge senior in service on the Court
of Appeals.......
of Appeals shall have the powers and duties
of the office when the chief judge is absent,
or when the Court of Appeals determines
that he is unable to serve, or when the office
is vacant.
Intermediate Appellate Court
Section 5.06. Jurisdiction.
Sec. 14A. The General Assembly may by
The Intermediate Appellate Court shall
Law create such intermediate courts of
have the jurisdiction prescribed by law.
appeal, as may be necessary. The General
Assembly may prescribe the intermediate
appellate jurisdiction of these courts of
appeal, and all other powers necessary for
the operation of such courts.
Section 5.07. Composition.
Sec. 14 A. The General Assembly may by
The Intermediate Appellate Court shall
Law create such intermediate courts of
consist of five judges, unless the number is
appeal, as may be necessary.......
increased by law. The Intermediate Appel-
late Court may sit in divisions. At least three
Sec. 14B. No member of the General
judges shall sit in each case.
Assembly at which the addition of Section
14A was proposed, if otherwise qualified,
shall be ineligible for appointment or
election as a judge of any intermediate
court of appeal, established by law by the
General Assembly pursuant to said Section
14 A, by reason of his membership in such
General Assembly.
Superior Court
Part III. Circuit Courts.
Section 5.08. Jurisdiction.
Sec. 19. The State shall be divided into
The Superior Court shall have original ju-
eight Judicial Circuits, in manner following,