persons having an equal number; and if
the vote should again be equal, then the
election of Governor shall be determined
by lot between those, who shall have the
highest and an equal number on the first
Sec. 5. A person to be eligible to the
Section 4.02. Qualifications of Governor.
office of Governor, must have attained the
The governor shall have attained the age
age of thirty years, and must have been
of thirty years at the time of his election and
for ten years a citizen of the State of
shall have been a qualified voter in the State
Maryland, and for five years next pre* tfding
his election, a resident of the State, and,
for at least five years immediately preceding
his election.
at the time of his election, a qualified voter
Sec. 6. In case of the death, resignation,
Section 4.09. Succession to Offices of Gover-
removal from the State, or other disquali-
nor and Lieutenant Governor.
fication of the Governor, the General
When a vacancy occurs in the office of
Assembly, if in session with a quorum
governor, the lieutenant governor shall suc-
present, or if not, at its next session with
ceed to that office for the remainder of the
a quorum present, shall elect some other
term. When a vacancy occurs in the office
qualified person to be Governor for the
of lieutenant governor, the governor shall
residue of the term for which the said
nominate a person who shall succeed to that
Governor had been elected.
office upon confirmation by the affirmative
Sec. 7. In case of any vacancy in the
vote of a majority of all members of the Gen-
office of Governor, and until the General
eral Assembly in joint session. If vacancies
Assembly meets in session with a quorum
in the offices of governor and lieutenant
present and elects a Governor as provided
governor exist at the same time during the
for in Section 6, the President of the Senate,
first year of their term, the offices shall be
at the time such vacancy occurred, shall
filled for the remainder of the term at the
discharge the duties of said office; and in
next general election and the president of
case there be no President of the Senate or
the Senate shall serve as acting governor until
in the case of his refusal to serve, and
the newly elected governor has qualified. If
in the case of his death, resignation, removal
vacancies in the offices of governor and lieu-
from the State, or other disqualification
tenant governor exist at the same time after
while discharging the duties of said office
the first year of their term, the president of
of Governor, then the duties of said office
the Senate shall succeed to the office of gov-
shall, in like manner and for the same
ernor for the remainder of the term. If a
interval, devolve upon the Speaker of the
vacancy exists in the office of lieutenant
House of Delegates, at the time such vacancy
governor, at a time when the lieutenant gov-
occurred; and in case there be no Speaker
ernor is authorized to serve as acting gover-
of the House of Delegates or in the case
nor, the president of the Senate shall serve
of his refusal to serve, and in the case
as acting governor. If there is a vacancy in
of his death, resignation, removal from the
the office of the president of the Senate at
State, or other disqualification while dis-
a time when he is authorized to succeed to
charging the duties of said office of Gov-
the office of governor or is authorized to serve
ernor, then the duties of said office shall,
as acting governor, the Senate shall convene
in like manner and for the same interval,
and fill the vacancy.
devolve upon the Comptroller of the State,
at the time such vacancy occurred; and in
Section 4.10. Powers and Duties off Succes-
case there be no Comptroller of the State,
or in the case of his refusal to serve, and
in the case of his death, resignation, re-
moval from the State or other disqualifica-
tion while discharging the duties of said
office of Governor, then the duties of said
When the lieutenant governor or the presi-
dent of the Senate succeeds to the office of
governor, he shall have the title, powers, du-
ties, and emoluments of that office; but when
the lieutenant governor or the president of
office shall, in like manner and for the
the Senate serves as acting governor, he shall