of all its members. Each house may expel
either to the collection or expenditure of
a member by the affirmative vote of three-
the revenue, and appoint Auditors to state
fifths of all its members.
and adjust the same. They may call for
all public, or official papers and records,
and send for persons, whom they may judge
necessary in the course of their inquiries,
concerning affairs relating to the public
interest, and may direct all office bonds
which shall be made payable to the State,
to be sued for any breach thereof; and
with a view to the more certain prevention,
or correction of the abuses in the expendi-
tures of the money of the State, the General
Assembly shall create, at every session
thereof, a joint Standing Committee of the
Senate and House of Delegates, who shall
have power to send for persons, and examine
them on oath, and call for Public, or
Official Papers and Records, and whose duty
it shall be to examine and report upon all
contracts made for printing stationery, and
purchases for the Public offices, and the
Library, and all expenditures therein, and
upon all matters of alleged abuse in ex-
penditures, to which their attention may be
called by Resolution of either House of the
General Assembly.
Section 3.17. Quorum.
Sec. 20. A majority of the whole number
A majority of all the members of a house
of members elected to each House shall
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction
constitute a quorum for the transaction of
of business in that house, but a smaller
business; but a smaller number may adjourn
number may adjourn from day to day.
from day to day, and compel the attendance
of absent members, in such manner, and
under such penalties, as each House may
Section 3.18. Journals.
Sec. 22. Each House shall keep a Journal
Each house of the General Assembly shall
of its proceedings, and cause the same to
prescribe by rule for a current daily journal
be published. The yeas and nays of mem-
of its proceedings, which shall be open to
bers on any question, shall at the call of
public inspection at all reasonable times.
any five of them in the House of Delegates,
Each house shall prescribe by rule that the
or one in the Senate, be entered on the
daily journal shall be published as soon as
practicable. Each house shall prescribe by
rule that all final committee votes on all
bills shall be entered, by recorded votes of
individual members, in the daily journal of
that house. Each house shall prescribe by
rule that on final passage of a bill or resolu-
tion, including a proposal for a constitution-
al amendment, the vote cast by each member
shall be recorded in the daily journal of
that house.
Section 3.19. Form of Laws.
Sec. 29. The style of all Laws of this
Every law of this State shall be styled: "Be
State shall be, "Be it enacted by the