accomplish any and all of the purposes
and objects contemplated by the provisions
of this Article, provided such additional
power or authority is not inconsistent with
the terms and provisions of this Article or
with any other provision or provisions of
the Constitution of Maryland. The General
Assembly may place such other and further
restrictions or limitations on the exercise
of any of the powers which it may grant
to the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more under the provisions of this Article
as it may deem proper and expedient.
Sec. 3. Provided, however, that no public
local law enacted under the provisions and
authority of this Article shall be enacted
or construed to authorize the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore to exercise or
apply any of the powers or authority in this
Article enumerated within the territorial
limits of Howard County.
Section 1.17. Continuity of Government
Declaration of Rights, Art. 44. That the
During Emergencies.
provisions of the Constitution of the United
The provisions of this Constitution shall
States, and of this State, apply, as well in
not be suspended, except that the General
time of war, as in time of peace; and any
Assembly by law shall provide for the tem-
departure therefrom, or violation thereof,
porary suspension of specific provisions during
under the plea of necessity, or any other
an emergency caused by disaster or enemy at-
plea, is subversive of good Government, and
tack. Any suspension shall be for the period
tends to anarchy and despotism.
of the emergency only, and only provisions of
this Constitution concerning state and local
public offices and governmental operations
may be suspended.
Section 1.18. Reserved Rights.
Declaration of Rights, Art. 45. This enu-
The enumeration of rights in this Consti-
meration of Rights shall not be construed
tution shall not be construed to impair, dis-
to impair or deny others retained by the
parage, or deny others retained by the
Qualifications for Voting
Section 2.01. Voters in National, State, and
Declaration of Rights, Art. 7. That the
County Elections.
right of the People to participate in the
Every citizen of the United States who has
Legislature is the best security of liberty
attained the age of nineteen years, and who
and the foundation of all free Government j
has been a resident of this State for six
for this purpose, elections ought to be free
months and of the county in which he offers
and frequent; and every white male1
to vote for three months next preceding an
citizen, having the qualifications prescribed
election, shall be eligible to vote, and if reg-
by the Constitution, ought to have the right
istered shall be qualified to vote in that
of suffrage.
county in national, state, and county elec-
tions. If any county is divided into different
electoral districts or into portions of different
Section 1. All elections shall be by