Sec. 8. The terms of the Members of
the Board of Supervisors of elections of
Baltimore City and of the several counties
shall commence on the first Monday of
June next ensuing their appointment.
Sec. 9. Vacant.
Sec. 10. Vacant.
Sec. 11. The purpose of this Article is to
See Section 2.08, General Elections, p. 114.
reduce the number of elections, by providing
that all State and county elections shall
be held only in every fourth year, and at
the time now provided by law for holding
congressional elections; and to bring the
terms of appointive officers into harmony
with the changes effected in the time of
the beginning of the terms of elective of-
ficers; and the administrative and judicial
officers of the State shall construe the
provisions of this Article so as to effectuate
that purpose. For the purpose of this Article
only the word "officers" shall be construed
to include those holding positions and
other places of employment in the State
and county governments whose terms are
fixed by law, but it shall not include any
appointments made by the Board of Public
Works, nor appointments by the Governor
for terms of three years.
Sec. 12. Vacant.
Sec. 13. In the event of any inconsistency
between the provisions of this Article and
any of the other provisions of the Con-
stitution, the provisions of this Article shall
prevail, and all other provisions shall be
repealed or abrogated to the extent of such
For the purpose of ascertaining the sense
This Constitution, the attached Schedule
of the people of this State, in regard to
of Transitional Provisions, and the attached
the adoption, or rejection of this Constitu-
Schedule of Legislation shall be submitted to
tion, the Governor shall issue his Procla-
the qualified voters of the State for ratifica-
mation within five days after the adjourn-
tion or rejection at the special referendum
ment of this Convention, directed to the
election to be held on May 14, 1968, in ac-
Sheriffs of the City of Baltimore, and of
cordance with the procedures prescribed by
the several Counties of this State, command-
Chapter 4 of the Acts of the General Assem-
ing them to give notice, in the manner now
bly of Maryland of 1967. If this Constitution
prescribed by Law in reference to the elec-
is ratified at such special referendum elec-
tion of members of the House of Delegates,
tion, then the attached Schedule of Transi-
that an election for the adoption or rejection
tional Provisions is ratified as a part thereof
of this Constitution, will be held in the
and the attached Schedule of Legislation is