Section 1.06. Grand Jury Indictment.
No person shall be held to answer for a fe-
lony unless on indictment of a grand jury,
except in cases arising in the militia while in
actual service.
Section 1.10. Double Jeopardy.
No person shall be twice put in jeopardy
of criminal punishment for the same offense.
Section 1. All elections shall be by
See Section 2.01, Voters in National^ State,
ballot; and every citizen of the United
and County Elections, p. 2, for qualifications
States, of the age of twenty-one years, or
for voting.
upwards, who has been a resident of the
State for one year, and of the Legislative
Section 3.04. Legislative Districts.
District of Baltimore Gity, or of the county,
The State shall be divided by law into dis-
in which he may offer to vote, for six
tricts for the election of members of the
months next preceding the election, shall
Senate. Each senate district shall be subdivid-
be entitled to vote, in the ward or election
ed into three districts for the election of
district, in which he resides, at all elections
members of the House of Delegates. The
hereafter to be held in this State; and in
population represented by each senator shall
case any county, or city, shall be so divided
be substantially equal, as shall the popula-
as to form portions of different electoral
tion represented by each delegate. Each dis-
districts, for the election of Representatives
trict shall consist of adjoining territory and
in Congress, Senators, Delegates, or other
be compact in form. Due regard shall be giv-
Officers, then, to entitle a person to vote
en to natural boundaries and the boundaries
for such officer, he must have been a resi-
of political subdivisions. Boundaries of dis-
dent of that part of the county, or city,
tricts shall be redrawn according to these
which shall form a part of the electoral
standards prior to the general election in
district, in which he offers to vote, tor six
1982 and in every tenth year thereafter.
months next preceding the election; but
a person, who shall have acquired a resi-
Section 3.07. Congressional Districts.
dence in such county, or city, entitling him
The State shall be divided by law into
to vote at any such election, shall be
congressional districts for the election of
entitled to vote in the election district from
members of the United States House of Rep-
which he removed, until he shall have
resentatives. The difference between the
acquired a residence in the part of the
populations of the largest and smallest
county, or city, to which he has removed.
congressional districts in the State shall not
exceed ten per cent of the mean population
of all congressional districts. Each congres-
sional district shall consist of adjoining terri-
tory and be compact in form. Due regard
shall be given to natural boundaries and the
boundaries of political subdivisions. Bounda-
ries of congressional districts shall be
redrawn according to these standards prior
to the general election in 1972 and in every
tenth year thereafter.
Section 2.02. Voters in Presidential Elections.
For purposes of voting for president and
vice president of the United States or for elec-
tors for those offices, the General Assembly
shall prescribe by law a lesser residence re-
quirement for citizens who have resided in
this State for less than six months.