We, the People of the State of Maryland,
We, the people of the State of Maryland,
grateful to Almighty God for our civil and
grateful to Almighty God for our civil and
religious liberty, and taking into our
religious freedom, recognizing that all politi-
serious consideration the best means of
cal power originates in the people and that
establishing a good Constitution of this
all government is instituted to secure their
State for the sure foundation and more
right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of hap-
permanent security thereof, declare:
piness, and acknowledging our duty and re-
Article 1. That all Government of
sponsibility to posterity, do establish and
ordain this Constitution.
right originates from the People, is founded
in compact only, and instituted solely for
the good of the whole; and they have, at
all times, the inalienable right to alter,
reform or abolish their Form of Govern-
ment, in such manner as they may deem
Art. 2. The Constitution of the United
States, and the Laws made, or which shall
be made, in pursuance thereof, and all
Treaties made, or which shall be made,
under the authority of the United States,
are, and shall be the Supreme Law of
the State; and the Judges of this State,
and all the People of this State, are, and
shall be bound thereby; anything in the
Constitution or Law of this State to the
contrary nothwithstanding.
Art. 3. The powers not delegated to
the United States by the Constitution
thereof, nor prohibited by it to the States,
are reserved to the States respectively, or
to the people thereof.
Art. 4. That the People of this State
have the sole and exclusive right of regu-
lating the internal government and police
thereof, as a free, sovereign and independ-
ent State.
Art. 5. That the Inhabitants of Mary-
Section 1.13 Jury Trial in Civil Cases.
land are entitled to the Common Law of
England, and the trial by Jury, according
to the course of that Law, and to the
benefit of such of the English Statutes as
existed on the Fourth day of July, seven-
teen hundred and seventy-six; and which,
by experience, have been found applicable
to their local and other circumstances, and
have been introduced, used and practiced
by the Courts of Law or Equity; and also
of all Acts of Assembly in force on the
first day of June, eighteen hundred and
Every person shall have the right of trial
by jury of all issues of fact in civil proceed-
ings at law in the courts of this State where
the amount or value in controversy exceeds
the minimum that the General Assembly
may prescribe by law. The jury shall consist
of twelve, except that the General Assembly
may provide by law for a jury of not less
than six nor more than twelve in the District
Court. A unanimous decision of the jury
shall be required to constitute its verdict.
sixty-seven; except such as may have since
Section 10.02. Effect of Constitution on
expired, or may be inconsistent with the
Existing Law.
provisions of this Constitution; subject,
All legislation, including local legislation,