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Source References to the Civil List in His Lordship's Patronage by Donnell M. Owings
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7. John Blomfield (Cath. ?), entered office prior to Apri1, 1686 (Prov.
Ct. Judgements, 1. 3, f. 337); forced out by the Protestant Associators, 4
Sept. 1689. He died in 1692.

8. William Taylard, appointed by act of the Convention, 4 Sept 1689
(AM, XIII, 241).

9. John Skipwith, appointed by Secretary Lawrence probably on his arrival,
April, 1692 (AM, VIII, 405); died in October, 1692.

10. Henry Denton of Annapolis, succeeded Skipwith in October, l692
(Prov. Ct, Judgements, 1. 5a, f. 234); resigned to be Clerk of the Secretary's
Office about May, 1695.

11. Col. William Bladen of Annapolis (Prot., wife Cath,),, succeeded Den-
ton prior to October 1695 (Ibid., 1. 5b. f. 489); resigned to be Clerk of
the Council.

12. William Aisquith, appointed ---- 1698 (Ibid. 1 WT #3, ff. 547,

553); resigned about 1705.

13. George Muschamp, succeeded Aisquith about 1705 (Ibid., 1, 33, f.
269; 1. 11, f. 227); died in November, 1709.

14. *Lt. Col. Henry Lowe, Sr. (Prot., wife and daughters Cath.), appointed
on death of Muschamp (Ibid., 1. 17, f. 405); died in November, 1717.

15. Michael Jenifer of Charles County, appointed on death of Lowe
(Prov. Ct. Rec., 1, TP #4, f, 519); died in August, 1728.



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Source References to the Civil List in His Lordship's Patronage by Donnell M. Owings
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