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Source References to the Civil List in His Lordship's Patronage by Donnell M. Owings
Volume 663, Page 43   View pdf image (33K)
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23. John Beale of Annapolis (Prot.) , succeeded Bordley 13 May 1707 (Ibid.,
1. 10, f. 89).

24. Vachel Denton of Annapolis (Prot.), sworn 21 June 1718; dismissed
8 Aug. 1732 (Ibid., 1. 18, f. 1; AM, XXXIX, 270).

25. William Ghiselin of Annapolis (Prot.), com. 8 Aug. and sworn 17 Oct.
1732 (Prov. Ct. Judgements, 1. 25, f. 1); died in October, 1743.

26. Richard Burdus of Annapolis (Prot.) , com. 16 Nov. 1743 and sworn
10 April 1744 (Ibid., 1. 30, f. 4655); resigned in August, 1755 and died in
May, 1756.

27. William Stewart of Annapolis (Prot.), com. by his brother, Deputy

Secretary George Steuart (sic), 5 August and sworn 21 Oct. 1755 (Ibid., 1. 39,
f. 490); turned out by Deputy Secretary Tasker.

28. William Sligh of Annapolis (Prot.), com. and sworn in May 1756

(Ibid. , 1. 40, f . 1); died 3 March 1757.

29. William Stewart, served May court only, 1757 (Ibid., 1, 42, f.
two years later his brother appointed him Clerk of the Land Office.

30. Beverdy Ghiselin of Annapolis (Prot., son of William Chiselin above),
succeeded Stewart about September, 1757, sworn 14 April 1760 (Ibid., 1. 43,
f, 1; 1. 45, f. 173).

31. Elie Vallette of Annapolis (Prot.), sworn 19 May 1766 (Prov. Ct.
Rec., 1. DD #4, f. 86).

32. Beverdy Ghiselin, sworn 29 April 1773; died 2 April 1775 (Prov. Ct.
Judgements, 1. 63, f. 9). His successor, George Rankin of Annapolis, was ap-


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Source References to the Civil List in His Lordship's Patronage by Donnell M. Owings
Volume 663, Page 43   View pdf image (33K)
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