Lawrence, had got possession of the Patent Record, and had
refused to surrender it to His Lordship's Agent. A final settle-
ment between Sir Thomas and Lord Baltimore, negotiated by
Solicitor General Trevor, was confirmed by the King in Council,
February 13, 1695/6, and was promulgated by the Governor
that October. 26
Sir Thomas was to retain the Patent Record but was to give the
proprietary officers, Agent Darnall and Register Charles Carroll,
free access to it. Fees for the sealing of land grants were to be
equally divided between Baltimore's Agent and the Crown Chan-
cellor. All other fees were to be similarly divided between the
Agent and Register on the one hand and Secretary Lawrence on
the other. In 1704 Baltimore doubled the purchase price of vacant
lands, that is the caution money, and gave his Agent and Register
the entire increase in lieu of that moiety of fees earlier lost to
the Chancellor and Secretary. 27
At His Lordship's restoration, late in 1715, the Secretary in
Maryland, once more a proprietary official, regained those terri-
torial functions which he had had prior to 1690. Deputy Secre-
tary Philemon Lloyd, on June 13, 1717, appointed one Edward
Griffith Clerk or Register of the Land Office and himself assumed
the title of Judge and Register of the same. 28 We may note that,
although all subsequent Judges bore this full title, they were
commonly called simply Judges of the Land Office, and they
invariably appointed another to act as Register.
The first commission bearing this new title of Judge was issued
to Deputy Secretary Edmund Jenings, March 20, 1732/3. 29 The
office was separated from the Secretariat on appointment as Judge
of Colonel Levin Gale, December 16, 1738. 30 From May, 1746, it
was almost always divided between two joint incumbents. 31 The
last proprietary Judges of the Land Office were Dr. George
Steuart (July 13, 1747) and Benedict Calvert (March 5, 1755).
26 Archives, VIII, 387; XX, 434-35, 530-31. Sir Thomas had got the patent
record by order of the Governor and Council, Oct. 14, 1692.
27 Ibid., XXVI, 54, 140-41, 143-44. See also Baltimore's instructions to Agent
Charles Carroll, Sept. 12, 1712 (Provincial Court Record, liber TP, No. 4, folio
519, Land Office).
28 Warrants, liber BB, folio 49 (Land Office); Kilty, op, cit., 226, 269.
29 Warrants, liber EE, folio 298 (Land Office).
30Commission Book No. 82, folio 64 (Hall of Records).
31 Provincial Court Record, liber EI, No. 8, folio 144 (Land Office).