The Agent's place in the proprietary revenue establishment
was like that of the Public Treasurers in the provincial system,
but his duties were more numerous and varied. In addition to
those just mentioned he received proprietary duties from the Naval
Officers, quit-rents from the collectors, farmers, or receivers, alie-
nation fines from the county clerks, and manor rents from the
stewards. In both proprietary periods he received fines, forfeitures,
amercements, and deodands from the sheriffs and waifs and
strays from the rangers.
Except under crown rule he paid the Governor's salary out of
the twelve pence per hogshead for support of government (1671)
and incidental expenses out of the fines and forfeitures. 16 In the
later proprietary period he also paid over to the Governor those
two duties previously enacted (1692 and 1694) for that officer's
better support. He further deducted his own salary and, until
1769, his commission. All the rest he remitted to His Lordship
once a year, closing the accounts each Michaelmas. 17
Prior to Baltimore's restoration all Agents, except Job Chandler
(1651-59), had enjoyed one or more other offices of profit during
their incumbency. The Receiver General, as such, may have had
ten percent of the territorial revenue and perhaps also a salary.
From the restoration (1715) until the first appointment of Major
Jenifer, November 25, 1768, he had a salary for receiving the
port duties and the quit-rents (collected after Michaelmas, 1733)
and a commission of ten percent on all other proprietary incomes.
The salary was £ 100 sterling a year until it was raised to £ 150
in 1733 or 1734. However, Colonel Edward Lloyd (1753) and
his successors had to pay the Principal Secretary a saddle of £ 50.
On Jenifer's first appointment this saddle was retained, the
commission was discontinued, and the salary was raised again to
£ 500. 18 For those years in which we have complete accounts we
168 On incidental expenses out of fines and forfeitures cf. Horatio Sharpe to
Lord Baltimore, May 23, 1760 (Ibid., IX, 410)..
17 Original Agents' accounts for the years 1731, 1733, 1748, 1752-61, and
1768-74, are preserved among the Calvert Papers in the library of the Maryland
Historical Society. Cf. Barker, op, cit., 380-81.
18 See His Lordship's commissions to Charles Carroll, March 24, 1715/16, and
to successive Agents thereafter: Provincial Court Record, liber TP, No. 4, folios
383, 413; liber PL, No. 5, folios 369, 438; liber PL, No. 6, folios 401, 473; liber
PL, No. 8, folio 300; liber EI, No. 9a, folio 420; liber DD, No. 4, folios 373
482; liber DD, No. 5, folios 1, 216, 508 (Land Office); Archives, XXXVIII,
431. Under Baltimore's instructions to Gov. Sharpe, Dec., 1760, the Agent's