government, appointed three such provincial officers, one for each
district, and ordered them to collect all duties whatsoever. 12 There-
after appointment lay with the Governor. An act of October,
1694, which erected the ports of Annapolis and Oxford, required
him to place a Naval Officer at each, and Francis Nicholson, on
naming them, added one more to reside in Cecil County at the
head of the bay. 13
Baltimore had meanwhile retained his own Naval Officers and
had obtained a privy council order of 1690/1 to enable them to
collect those duties which were a part of his private income. 14
He now placed an officer of his own at Annapolis and at Oxford. 15
When, by a Council order of August 16, 1695, these proprietary
officials were deprived of their fees, His Lordship settled upon
them small salaries in tobacco amounting to £ 25 sterling a year
for the officer at Patuxent and half that sum for each of the
others. 16
Throughout the royal period there were thus two sets of Naval
Officers, the one collecting provincial and the other proprietary
duties. Soon after his restoration, however, Baltimore ordered
Governor Hart to have the provincial incumbents collect his pro-
prietary along with the province duties, so that he could dispense
with his own officers. 17
There remained, then, after 1716/17, only the province Naval
Officers, three in the lower and three in the upper parts of the bay.
The Cecil County office was abolished some years prior to 1754. 18
12 Ibid., XIII, 246. These were Maj. Samuel Bourne, Capt. John Coode, and
Maj. Robert King for Patuxent, North Potomac, and Pocomoke, respectively.
13 Ibid., XIX, 110; XX, 160. These were Capt. Richard Hill, Maj. Thomas
Smithson, and Col. William Pearce for Annapolis, Oxford, and Cecil County,
respectively. They were appointed on Oct. 18, 1694.
14 Ibid., VIII, 234. This order, dated Feb. 27, 1690/1, was not at first obeyed.
Apparently His Lordship's officers were allowed to collect the 12d per hogshead
in May, 1692, and the I4d per ton in October, 1693 (Ibid., XIII, 311-14; XX,
15 He was required to do this by an order in Council of Aug. 16, 1695 (Ibid.,
XX, 286).
16 Ibid,, XX, 286; John Kilty, Land-Holders Assistant and Land Office Guide
(Baltimore, 1808), 129.
17 See His Lordship's instructions to Gov. John Hart, Oct. 11, 1716, read in
Council Jan. 11, 1716/7 (Archives, XXV, 344), and those to Agent Henry Lowe,
Jr., Feb. 20, 1716/7 (Provincial Court Record, libert TP, no. 4, folio 413, Md.
Land Office).
18 Col. John Veazey, last Naval Officer of Cecil County, was appointed Dec. 8,
1743 (Commission Book No. 82, folio 106, Hall of Records). A list of Maryland
offices and their values, of about 1745, still refers to six Naval Offices. The