On December 7, 1704, Governor John Seymour and the Council
appointed Colonel Philemon Lloyd, for the time being, to the
new office of Commissary General for War. 51 On Seymour's
applying to the Board of Trade for permission to establish such
an officer permanently, that body acquiesced and recommended a
salary of not more than £ 100 sterling a year out of the fund
for arms. They also asked Colonel Blakiston, the Provincial Agent
in England, to name a suitable incumbent. 52
Accordingly Colonel Robert Finley, who had come out to Mary-
land with Blakiston in 1698, was recommended and, on July 8,
1708, was properly appointed by the Governor. He was given a
salary of £80 sterling, which he enjoyed until his death about
1714. 53 Lord Baltimore's government, restored the following
year, appointed no successor.
This office was by its nature unavailable to residents of Mary-
land, and it existed on a satisfactory basis only during Colonel
Nathaniel Blakiston's incumbencies, from 1702 to 1709 and from
1713 to 1721. 54 Originally appointed on his return to England
in June of the year first mentioned, at a salary of £ 120 sterling,
former Governor Blakiston failed to obtain all those concessions
the Lower House demanded. In December, 1708, they ordered
his dismissal. 55
Urging by the Board of Trade and by the Governor and Council,
together with the necessities of the ordinary license controversy
Capt. John Young, on or before Jan. 11, 1707/8 to May, 1734; Onorio Razolini
(a Protestant convert), June 4, 1734 until his return to Italy, Aug., 1741; Richard
Tootell, Sept. 5, 1741 to Sept., 1745; John Raitt, Sept. 26, 1745 to Sept., 1748;
and Henry Walls, Sept. 29, 1748 to his death in 1767.
51 Ibid., XXVI, 378.
52 Cf. John Seymour to Board of Trade, July 3, 1705, and Board of Trade to
John Seymour, Feb. 4, 1705/6 (Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, 1704-05, art.
1210; 1706-08, art. 84); also Journal of the Commissioners for Trade and Plan-
tations, 1704-8/9, 209.
53 Archives, XXV, 242; XXVII, 396. References to Finley as Commissary
General for War appear in the Archives until 1714.
54 Three persons served briefly as Agents before Blakiston's appointment. Peter
Pagan of London, merchant, was appointed by an act of June, 1692, repealed in
Oct., 1694; John Povey served from 1694 to 1697; and on July 6, 1697, Micajah
Perry appears as Agent for both Virginia and Maryland (Ibid., XIX, 165, 234;
XXII, 52, 54; Maryland Historical Magazine, XII [1917], 119; Calendar of State
Papers, Colonial, 1696-97, art. 1157). The Council of Trade and Plantations urged
appointment of an Agent in 1698 and again in 1711 (Archives, XXII, 174; XXIX,
6; Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, 1710-11 arts. 839, 906).
55 Archives, XXIV, 228, 262, 364; XXVII, 305.