Clerks of the Assize Courts, 51-52,
56, 109
Clerks of County Courts
Anne Arundel, 147-148
appointment, 30, 33, 56, 144
Baltimore, 57, 150-151
Calvert, 57, 148-149
Caroline, 157
Cecil, 57, 154-155
Charles, 57, 149-150
development, 8, 144
Dorchester, 57, 154
Frederick, 57, 156-157
functions, 7, 10, 11, 19, 79 ff.,
87, 103
Harford, 157
incumbents, 144 ff.
Kent, 58, 146-147
Prince George's, 155-156
Queen Anne's, 156
revenue, 14, 16, 17, 56 ff., 81,
St. Mary's, 57, 144 ff.
sale of, 32
Somerset, 58, 153
Talbot, 58, 151 ff.
tenure, 32, 58, 102, 103
Worcester, 156
Clerks of the Indictments, 7, 43,
102, 107
Cocks, William, 140
Coercive Laws, 20
Collectors (of customs)
Chester District, 96, 97, 182
Chester and Patapsco District,
96, 98, 100, 110, 182
development, 10, 96, 98
functions, 92
incumbents, 179 ff.
North Potomac District, 96 ff.,
107, 180-181
Patuxent District, 95 ff., 106,
Pocomoke District, 96 ff., 100,
107, 181-182
revenue, 11, 13, 65, 100, 102
Collectors (of quit-rents), 7, 79 ff.,
Collect, John, 150
Collier, Thomas, 100, 101, 163,
Commissary General
development, 6, 8, 10, 29, 39-
40, 105, 106, 108, 130
functions, 10, 19, 41-42, 78,
incumbents, 130 ff.
revenue, 11, 14, 16, 17, 34,
40 ff., 102
Commissary General for War, 47 ff.
Commissaries, Deputy, 8, 40-41,
102, 107
Commissioners of Customs, Board
of, 10, 65, 95 ff., 106, 110
Commissioners of the Loan Office,
8, 9, 47, 60, 71-72, 102, 164,
Commissioners of the Paper Cur-
rency Office, 8, 9, 47, 60, 71-72,
102, 164-165
Commissioners, Parliamentary, 105,
Commissioners, Proprietary, 6
Committee of Protestant Freemen,
107, 118, 127
Comptroller General of Maryland,
Surveyor and, 10, 11, 92, 93 ff.,
100, 106, 108, 179