1707/8. On learning that Rousby had no commission from the
crown Gov. Hart in 1715 advised the discontinuance of this office;
Rousby ceased to act on 28 Oct. 1715. He was also Naval Officer
of Patuxent from December, 1707, to midsummer, 1717.
b. Receiver of North Potomac and Pocomoke.
1. Col. NEHEMIAH BLAKISTON of St. Mary's County (Prot,
wife Cath.), appointed by William and Mary, presumably at the
time Plater was appointed Receiver of Patuxent, 8 Jan. 1691/2;
died in December, 1693. Plater then began acting as Receiver in
these districts. Col. Blakiston was also Collector of North
Potomac, September, 1685, until his death, and Commissary Gen-
eral from October, 1692, to October, 1693.
2. GEORGE MUSCHAMP of St. Mary's County (Prot.), suc-
ceeded Blakiston, as Collector of North Potomac only, by commis-
sion of 14 Feb. 1693/4; obtained royal letters patent as " Collector
and Receiver of Potomac," 8 Oct. 1695, and again as Receiver only,
9 Aug. 1703; ordered by Governor and Council to act as Receiver
of Pocomoke as well, 23 Oct. 1697; died in November, 1709.
Muschamp was also Collector of North Potomac from 1694 until
his transfer to the Collectorship of Patuxent, in 1700, which
latter office he retained until his death.
3. JOHN DANSEY of St. Mary's County (Prot.), appointed for
the time being by Pres. Lloyd and the Council, 7 Nov. 1709;
never commissioned by the crown; office suppressed by Gov. Hart
as a measure of economy soon after May, 1715. Dansey was also
Collector of Patuxent from November, 1709, until his death in
September, 1716.
c. Deputy Auditor and Surveyor General.
1. EDWARD RANDOLPH (Prot.), the well-known British ad-
ministrator, com. by Auditor General William Blathwayte, 20
Dec. 1691, and confirmed in office by the Lords of the Treasury.
He was only occasionally in Maryland. There is no evidence that
he actually served in this office although he retained it until his
death in April, 1703.
2. Col. WILLIAM BLADEN of Annapolis .(Prot, wife Cath.),
com. by Blathwayte, 19 Aug. 1705; audited Receivers' Accounts
regularly until the end of the royal government late in 1715.