Council. After 1716/7, except f or brief intervals (1727-34,1746-
48, 1768-71, and 1774-76), the Lieutenant Governor, or in his
absence the President of the Council, held one or the other of the
two Surveyorships.
a. Surveyor General of Both Shores.
1. JOHN LANGFORD of Kent County (Cath.?) appointed for
life and empowered to appoint deputies, 24 March 1641/2, (The
only other life appointment was that of Thomas Beake as Principal
Secretary.) Langford however left the province in 1648 and had
thereafter a saddle of £10 a year paid by his successors.
2. ROBERT CLARKE of St. Mary's City (Cath.), com. during
pleasure, 12 Aug 1648; he had served as sole Deputy Surveyor
since 7 Jan. 1639/40. Resigned in 1661; died in July, 1664.
3. JEROME WHITE of St. Mary's City (Cath.?), com. 9 Sept
1661 and again 16 Feb. 1665/6; returned to England in December,
4. *BAKER BROOKE of Calvert County (Cath.), com. and
sworn 31 March 1671; recom. 1 Aug. 1671, 3 Aug. 1674, 10 April
1676, and 17 June 1676; died in office in March, 1678/9.
5. *Col. VINCENT LOWE of Talbot County (Cath.), com. 27
March 1679; displaced to provide for Col. Talbot.
6. *Col. GEORGE TALBOT of Cecil County and of Castle Ruby,
County Roscommon (Cath.), com. and sworn 8 Nov. 1683. He
murdered Collector Christopher Rousby on 31 Oct. 1684, and fled
the province, whereupon this office reverted to the Board of
Deputy Governors.
7. *Col. VINCENT LOWE, restored to office by com. of 12
Aug. and sworn 28 Nov. 1685; died about Sept., 1692.
8. *Capt. RICHARD SMITH, JR. of Calvert County (Prot, wives
prob. Cath.), com. by Baltimore prior to 14 Oct. 1693 when Gov.
Copley refused to recognize his authority; remained in office until
7 Dec. 1697 when the appointment of Hill limited his jurisdiction
to the Eastern Shore.
b. Surveyor General of the Western Shore.
1. *CLEMENT HILL, JR. of Prince George's County (Cath.,
son-in-law of Agent Henry Darnall), com. 7 Dec. 1697; ap-