15. Rev. BENNET ALLEN, rector of St. James Parish, Anne
Arundel County, com. and sworn 26 March 1768; dismissed at
request of the Board of Revenue, 25 Nov. 1768. A drinking,
brawling, and fox hunting parson, who had won His Lordship's
favor by defending him in a charge of rape, Allen proved an im-
competent administrator and a political nuisance.
16. Maj. DANIEL OF ST. THOMAS JENIFER of Annapolis
(Prot), com. by Lt. Gov. Sharpe, 25 Nov. 1768; superseded by
17. JOHN MORTON JORDAN of Annapolis (Prot.), com. by
Baltimore, 14 Aug. 1769; entered office early in December; re-
signed shortly before his death on 23 July 1771. He was a former
Virginia merchant who, with the aid of a pretty wife, had gained
the favor of the Proprietary.
18. Maj. DANIEL OF ST. THOMAS JENIFER, com. by Lt. Gov.
Eden, 9 Sept. 1771 and again by Henry Harford, 29 April 1773.
He was chosen President of the Council of Safety in 1775 and
President of the state Senate in 1777, represented Maryland in
the Continental Congress, 1778-82, and in the Federal Convention
of 1787. Maj. Jenifer died 16 Nov. 1790.
This office dates from Deputy Secretary Philemon Lloyd's as-
sumption of the title on or shortly before 13 June 1717; it was
separated from that of Deputy Secretary at the appointment of
Col. Levin Gale, 16 Dec. 1738. The Constitution of 1776 made
no provision for this place, and the then remaining Judge,
Benedict Calvert, surrendered his papers to St. George Peak,
lately appointed Register of the Land Office for the Western
Shore, on 13 May 1777. An act of 22 Jan. 1782 made the state
Chancellor the Judge of the Land Office.
1. Col. LEVIN GALE of Somerset County (Prot.), com. 16 Dec.
1738 (the office being at this date separated from that of Deputy
Secretary) and again 15 Oct. 1742; died in office in March,
2. PHILIP THOMAS of Anne Arundel County (Prot.), com. 15
March 1743/4; resigned, or was perhaps displaced to provide for
Tasker and Young.