4. Col. CHARLES HAMMOND of Anne Arundel County (Prot.),
com. by Lt. Gov. Ogle, 23 Oct. 1736, and again by Lt. Gov.
Bladen, 29 Sept. 1742; died in office, 13 Sept. 1772. The Lower
House in May, 1737, chose a committee to investigate the former
manner of appointing Treasurers; but it took no action on the
5. *Col. WILLIAM FITZHUGH of Calvert County (Prot., wife's
mother Cath.), com. by Lt. Gov. Eden, 28 Sept. 1772, and again
29 April 1773. His successor, Thomas Harwood, Jr. of Annapolis,
was appointed by the Convention, 14 Aug. 1775. Fitzhugh died
in 1798.
b. Treasurer of the Eastern Shore.
1. Col. WILLIAM WHITTINGTON of Somerset County (Prot.),
appointed by act of October, 1694, chap. 19. Dr. John Brookes of
Dorchester County had been proposed by the Lower House, 30
May 1692, but he had died in March, 1692/3, before any ap-
pointment was made.
2. Maj. THOMAS SMITHSON of Talbot County (Prot.), ap-
pointed by resolution of the Lower House, 17 Oct. 1695; died in
office about March, 1713/4.
3. ^ROBERT UNGLE of Talbot County (Prot.), proposed by
Lower House and approved by Lt, Governor and Upper House,
3 July 1714; died in office in 1727.
4. Col. JAMES HOLLYDAY of Queen Anne's County (Prot.),
proposed by Lower House and approved by Lt. Governor and
Upper House, 28 Oct. 1727; died in office, 8 Oct. 1747.
5. Col. EDWARD LLOYD of Wye House, Talbot County (Prot.,
stepson of James Hollyday), appointed by Lt. Gov. Ogle to suc-
ceed Hollyday about October, 1747. The Lower House in June,
1748, protested without effect this alleged invasion of their
rights. Resigned in 1766.
6. JOHN LEEDS of Talbot County (Prot.), com. by Lt. Gov.
Sharpe, 29 Sept. 1766; resigned when appointed Naval Officer
of Pocomoke, 14 Oct. 1766.
7. BEDINGFIELD HANDS of Kent County (Prot.), com. by Lt.
Gov. Sharpe, 14 Oct. 1766; died in office in September, 1769.