4. *Col. VINCENT LOWE of Talbot County (Cath. ), sworn 13
Dec. 1670. Resigned after appointed Sheriff of Talbot County.
5. KENELM CHESELDYNE of St. Mary's City (Prot), sworn 6
April 1676.
6. THOMAS BURFORD of Charles County (Prot. ), appointed by
His Lordship and sworn 4 Oct. 1681; died in office in March,
7. ROBERT CARVILE of St. Mary's City (Cath. ), com. by Chan-
cellor Henry Darnall, pursuant to Lord Baltimore's instructions,
3 April 1688. Superseded by Carroll.
8. *CHARLES CARROLL of St. Mary's City and of Anne Arundel
County (Cath. ), formerly of the Inner Temple, London; com. by
the Proprietary, to hold office during good behavior, 18 July 1688;
arrived in Maryland 1 Oct. and was confirmed in office by the
Deputy Governors, 13 Oct. 1688. After 1 Aug. 1689 he continued
as Lord Baltimore's Attorney General until the restoration of
Proprietary government. On the death, 17 June 1711, of Col.
Henry Darnall I, his father-in-law, he succeeded to the offices
of Agent and Receiver General and Keeper of His Lordship's
Great Seal.
9. Col. GEORGE PLATER I of St. Mary's County (Prot. ), ap-
pears as acting Attorney General, for the crown, as early as 23
April 1691; superseded by Wynne.
10. EDWARD WYNNE of St. Mary's County (Prot. ), sworn
crown Attorney General, 5 April 1692; died in office shortly
before 8 Sept. 1692.
11. Col. GEORGE PLATER I, sworn 8 Sept. 1692; resigned to be
Naval Officer of Patuxent shortly before 21 Oct. 1698. He was
Receiver of Patuxent and, until Nov., 1696, Collector of the same.
He married, about 1694, Anne, dau. of Thomas Burford above.
12! Maj. WILLIAM DENT of Charles County (Prot), com. by
Gov. Nicholson, 22 Oct. 1698, and again by Gov. Seymour, 16
May 1704; resigned 8 May 1702 but continued to serve until his
death in Nov., 1704. He was also Naval Officer of North
Potomac, and in May, 1704, be became joint Commissary General.
13. Col. WILLIAM BLADEN of Annapolis (Prot., wife Cath. ),
com. by Gov. Seymour as Her Majesty's Attorney General, suc-