This appendix supplements but does not supersede Henry
Hollyday Goldsborough's manuscript " List of Civil Officers of
Maryland" [1637-1891] at the Maryland Historical Society.
Although Goldsborough presents a nearly complete series of in-
cumbents in the non-lucrative offices, he gives little information
about the places of profit and in fact omits some of them entirely.
The present list includes all lucrative offices except the follow-
ing: those which were in existence for only a brief period (all
treated in the text), the Master Gunner and Armourer (see
Chapter V, note 50), Sheriffs, Proprietary Naval Officers, Farmers
of Quit-Rents, Deputy Commissaries, and Deputy Surveyors. A
list of the Sheriffs, to 1694, may be compiled from the published
Council records in the Archives of Maryland, and a similar list,
from 1727 may be extracted from Commission Book No. 80, at
the Hall of Records. For the intervening period it would be neces-
sary to consult the county records. The other officers here omitted
were of little value.
Throughout this list the county of residence, except for
Governors, and the religion (Catholic or Protestant) of each office
holder are indicated. The names of men related, by blood or by
marriage, to any member of the Lord Proprietary's immediate
family are marked with an asterisk. To save space I have omitted
nearly all source references. These may be had, if desired, from a
manuscript copy of this list now deposited with the Maryland
Historical Society.
The following data are included for ease in immediate refer-
ence. For genealogical details the reader may consult J. B. C.
Nicklin, " The Calvert Family, " Maryland Historical Magazine,
XVI (1921), 50 et seq. This is a good general treatment which
is, however, neither definitive nor entirely without error. It
should be supplemented by use of the "Baltimore" article in
Gibbs's Complete Peerage, which provides fuller and more exact
information on the successive Lords Baltimore, and of Mrs. Russel
Hastings's " Calvert and Darnall Gleanings from English Wills, "