1683, May 15
Head-right system terminated; vacant lands
now to be granted out on payment of
" caution money."
1684, May 5
Land Council appointed.
1684, May
Lord Baltimore removes permanently to
1686, Nov. 19
Two additional Customs Collectors (for
North Potomac and Pocomoke Districts)
sworn in.
1688, April
First Clerks of the Indictments appointed.
1689, April 18
Land Office closed as disorders begin.
1689, Aug. 1
Deputy Governors surrender to the Commit-
tee of Protestant Freemen.
1689, Aug. 1
Deputy Governors surrender. Custody of the
proprietary Great Seal and of the Rent
Roll passes to the proprietary Agent and
Receiver General.
1689, Aug. 22 to
Convention of the Freemen of Maryland.
Sept. 4
1689, Sept. 4
Three province Naval Officers (for Patuxent,
North Potomac, and Pocomoke Districts)
appointed by the Convention.
*1690, Oct. 9
Crown takes over the government of Mary-
1691, April 23
Crown Attorney General appears.
* 1691, June 27
Col. Lionel Copley appointed Governor,
Chancellor, and Commissary General.
*1691, Aug. 26
Governor authorized to grant marriage
*1691, Dec 20
Deputy Auditor of Customs for Maryland
* 1691/2, Jan. 8
Two crown Receivers appointed.
1692, April
Gov. Copley arrives in Maryland.
1692, June 2
Commissary General authorized to appoint a
Deputy in each county.
1692, June 4
Third General Fee Act.
1692, Oct. 1
New Great Seal arrives; Copley entrusts it
to Col. Blakiston as crown Chancellor.