patents. A single body of Naval Officers collected both provincial
and proprietary duties; and the Agent again received all funds
for support of government. Finally, in 1768, the chief members
of the central governing body, that is, the Governor (and Chan-
cellor), Deputy Secretary, Commissary General, and Attorney
General, were joined with the Judges of the Land Office into a
Board of Revenue to supervise the Agent and audit his accounts.
Under this commission the central government and the proprietary
establishment became closely interwoven.
The fourth unit, always clearly separable from the others, was
a crown revenue establishment outside His Lordship's patronage
and responsible, in theory, to the king. It comprised two distinct
parts, one temporary and the other permanent. The former
existed only from 1692 to 1715 and consisted of two Receivers and
a Deputy Auditor. The Receivers handled all funds for support
of government, and the Auditor examined their accounts. The
latter part, established in 1673, enforced the laws of trade and
collected the " plantation duty. " Its personnel comprised at first
only a Surveyor and Comptroller (discontinued in 1694) and
a Collector. Two more Collectors were appointed in 1685 and a
fourth in 1752. Meanwhile certain preventive officers, two Sur-
veyors and Searchers and three Riding Surveyors, were established
in 1695-98. In 1764-66 four Comptrollers were appointed to
audit the accounts of the four Collectors. These Collectors, Sur-
veyors, and Comptrollers were deputed by the Customs Commis-
sioners pursuant to Treasury warrants. However, the Governor
was instructed to advise and aid them; and after 1727 he might
appoint such officers provisionally to fill sudden vacancies.
The chief executive, as Governor, received a salary, the income
from three port duties, fees for marriage licenses, and an allow-
ance for house rent, all in sterling. As Chancellor he had tobacco
fees for signing and sealing documents, especially land patents.
After 1716/7 he also held one of the two land Surveyorships and
in this capacity received payments in tobacco from his deputies.
The Deputy Secretary, who had numerous tobacco fees and
annual payments in tobacco from the county clerks, paid his