Leave granted to, to report a bill to make valid
a deed from Hoffman and wife to Hoffman, 42;
favorably reported and passed by yeas and nays,
Leave granted to, to make valid a deed from
Emanuel Bowman to Amelia Dilowter; referred
to, 28; reported unfavorably; report adopted, 89,
reported favorably, and read first time, 404; pass-
ed, 416.
A bill from the Senate to authorise the keeper
of the Court of Chancery to transmit to the Cir-
cuit court for Anne Arundel county certain cases
and proceedings in said court in the cases herein
specified; referred to, 783.
A bill entitled, an act to amend the 29th art.
of the code of public general laws relating to
justices of the peace by adding thereto, making
judgments of a justice of the peace a lien on lands
from the time of filing a copy thereof in the office
of the Circuit court or Common Pleas: referred
to, 784.
An act to authorise John C. Clarke, jr., the
committee of Thomas Sloan, a lunatic, to fulfil a
contract on the part of said lunatic for the sale of
land in this State, or if necessary to enforce the
execution thereof by suit; referred to, favorably
reported, read second time, and by special order,
and passed, 879.
Leave was granted the, to report a bill to change
the mode of selecting and summoning jurors in
the city of Baltimore, 54.
Leave granted the, to introduce a bill entitled,
an act for securing debts, 55.
Bill to make valid a deed between James M,
Jones and Henrietta Pilchard and Majer T. Hall;
reported favorable on, and referred to, 89; unfa-
vorable report adopted, 89.
Leave granted the, to introduce a bill to annul
the 30th art., sec. 82, of the general code relating
to indictments, 63.
Leave granted the, to bring in a bill to facili-
tate the erection of mills in Somerset county, 64.