976 INDEX,
Leave granted delegation from, to tax dogs for
the protection of Sheep, 112; petition referred to,
144; passed, 222.
Favorable report on a bill entitled an act to
amend the 12th article of public local laws, re-
lating to an act to authorise the county commis-
sioners of, to lay out and establish a public land-
ing on the Susquehanna river, passed, 202.
7th and 9th section of article 97th of public
general laws, relating to game extended to, 239.
A bill from the Senate for the relief of Albeit
Dorsey, authorising the clerk of, to record a cer-
tain deed, referred to delegation from, 348, favora-
bly reported, read a second time and by special
order, and passed, 411.
The bill entitled an act for the relief of Wm.
K. Pierce of, by exempting him from the penalty
imposed by the 10th section of the 68th article of
code of public general laws, favorably reported,
read second time and by order, and passed, 605.
Favorable report on bill to authorise Juliana
Hall of Harford county, to convey lots of ground
to St. John's Church in Havre de Grace, read
second time and by order, and passed, 723.
HAWKERS & PEDLARS—Petition that license may be
had from, in Somerset county, referred to com-
mittee on Ways and Means.
Favorable report on bill to repeal sections 21,
22, 23, 24, 26, 26, of article 55, regulating the
issuing of licenses to, and to substitute, &c, 309;
read first time, proceedings on, 430; recommitted,
Favorable report on bill to repeal the 21st and
26th section of article 55 of public general laws,
regulating the paying of licenses to, read first
time and by special order, and passed, 484.
HAY & STRAW—Reported favorably, a further supple-
ment to the act respecting, brought for sale to the
city of Baltimore, 289; referred to committee on
Ways and Means, 383.
See Inspections.