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Proceedings of the House, 1860
Volume 660, Page 964   View jpeg image (250K)
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964            INDEX.


            A bill entitled, an act to incorporate a company

               to make a turnpike road in Baltimore and Har-

ford counties from Meredith's Bridge, on the Big

Gunpowder Falls, to Jarrettsville, in Harford

county; referred to, 740.

A bill from the Senate to incorporate the Cola-
teral Bank of Baltimore city; referred to, 740.

A bill to increase the compensation of the
judges of the Orphans' Court in Montgomery
county; referred to, 740.

An act to incorporate the United Cities Land
company; passed, 854.

CRAWFORD, JAMES—See Prince George's county.

CRIMINAL JURISPRUDENCE—Leave granted the com-
mittee on the Judiciary to introduce a bill to ren-
der more uniform and effectual the administration
of criminal laws.


COMPANY—An act confirming the action of, in
constructing a road along Neff's Run; favorably
reported on and read; read second time, and by
special order and passed, 323.

CUNNINGHAM, SAMUEL S.—Favorable report on bill to
authorize, to bring negro boys in this State; pass-
ed, 208.

CURTIS CREEK COMPANY—See Anne Arundel county.


DEAF, DUMB AND BLIND—Use of Hall of the House
of Delegates for an exhibition given by, 98.

Favorable report on bill to provide for the in-
struction of the, amendments adopted, title


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Proceedings of the House, 1860
Volume 660, Page 964   View jpeg image (250K)
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