962 INDEX.
sion, 1854, ch. 274, granting extensions of said
railroad and other privileges, 540.
Also, on Senate bill entitled, an act to incor-
porate the Green Spring Avenue, 540.
A bill from the Senate to incorporate the Car-
rollton Avenue company; referred to, 548; favor-
ably reported, 565; road second time and passed,
A bill from the Senate to add an additional sup-
plement to an act to incorporate the Metropolitan
Railroad company, passed January session, 1853,
ch. 196, 548; referred to, and favorably reported,
A bill from the Senate to incorporate the Pro-
prietors of St. Peter's Cemetery: referred to, 550;
favorably reported, 565; passed, 775.
A bill from the Senate to authorise the Balti-
more and Reistertown Turnpike company to con-
struct, or contract to be constructed a passenger
railway on the side of the said turnpike from the
limits of the city of Baltimore to the end of said
turnpike road or any point thereof: referred to,
550; favorable report, 565.
A bill from the Senate to incorporate the Pea-
body Fire Insurance company of Baltimore; re-
ferred to, 550; favorably reported, 565.
The bill entitled, an act to incorporate the Bal-
timore and Libertytown Turnpike company; favor-
ably reported and read first time; read the second
time, and by special order, and passed, 553.
An act to incorporate the Maryland Express
company: referred to, and favorably reported, 565.
An act to incorporate the Mechanics' Marine
Railway in Somerset county; referred to, and fa-
vorably reported, 565.
An act to incorporate the Western Avenue com-
pany; referred to, and favorably reported and pass-
ed, 571.
The bill entitled, an act to incorporate the Bal-
timore Union Works; read second time, and by
order, and passed, 603.