INDEX. 959
Baltimore, passed, 1858, favorable report, 391;
passed, 754.
A bill from Senate, to incorporate the Merrill
Patent Firearm Manufacturing company, referred
to, 347.
Favorable report of committee on, to incorpo-
rate the German Reformed Church in Emmitts-
burg, 366.
Favorable report to incorporate the Western-
port Academy, 366; favorable, and passed, 392.
Favorable report to incorporate St. Vincent
Infant Asylum, read first time, and by special
order, rejected, 392; reconsidered and recommit-
ted to committee on, 892; favorable report, 429 ;
read second time, and passed, 727.
Favorable report on bill to incorporate the Tow-
sontown Land company, 393: read second time,
and by special order, and passed, 405.
Favorable report on bill to incorporate the
Brother's Relief, Division Son's of Temperance of
Carroll county, read first time, 428; read second
time, and by special order, and passed, 450.
Favorable report on bill to revive the act of in-
corporation of the town of New Windsor, passed,
1843, chapter 47, 428; read second time, and by
order, and passed, 633.
Favorable report on bill to incorporate the Pa-
tuxent Steam Navigation company, 428; read
second time, and by special order, and passed,
Favorable report on bill to incorporate the
Mount Clare George's Creek Coal company, 429 ;
passed, 771.
A bill from the Senate, entitled an act supple-
mentary to an act, passed January, 1856, chap-
ter 50; amendatory of an act to incorporate the
Maryland and Delaware Railroad company, passed,
1854, chapter 274; granting extension of said
railroad, and other privileges, referred to, 436 ;
proceedings on, read second time, and by order,
and passed, 607.