INDEX. 957
Ordered, That, the committee on, report as to
the mode in which a director on the part of the
State, shall be appointed, &c, 110.
Bill from the Senate to amend the act of 1826,
chapter 123; entitled an act to incorporate the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, referred to, 149.
Report of the President, 159; read second time,
and by special order, and passed, 623.
Favorable report on, act to incorporate the
Washington County Railroad, passed, 200.
Petition of Col. John S. Gittings, President of
Northern Central Railway, asking certain legis-
lation for said company, 207; referred to the com-
mittee on Corporations, passed, 490.
Favorable report of committee on, to incorpo-
rate the Westminister Saving's Institution.
Bill reported favorably to authorise the Gas
Light Company of Baltimore, incorporated by act
of 1816, chapter 251; to increase its capital
stock, 229; recommitted, 277; reported favora-
bly, 479; proceedings on, 532, 533, 534, 535;
passed, 650.
Bill favorably reported by, to alter, amend 7th
section of 8th article, chapter 88, of public local
laws, incorporating the Howard Saving's Bank of
Baltimore, 230; passed, 236.
Bill reported favorably by, to confirm the char-
ter of St. Anthony's Orphan Asylum of Balti-
more city, and to enlarge the powers thereof, 230,
passed, 323.
Favorably report by, to continue the charter
of the Pike Creek Benevolent Society, 230.
Also, an act to incorporate the Conowingo and
Bel Air Turnpike company, 230; passed, 242.
Favorable report by, on the bill to incorporate
the City Block Ferry and Towing Company, read
by special order, and passed, 233.
Favorable report by, to change the name of
the associated Professors of St. Mary's College,
to that of the associated Professors of St. Mary's