952 INDEX.
public general laws, by repealing sections from 27
to 33 inclusive, of said article, 309.
Also, to repeal sections 102, 103, 104, 105, 107,
108 and 109, of article 55 of the code of public
general laws, regulating licenses to shows and
theatrical performances, 309.
Also, an act to amend the 28th article of the
code of public general laws, by adding sections
authorising county commissioners to establish po-
lice, &c, 310.
Also, to add a new article to the code of public
general laws, relating to vagrants, 310.
Also, an act to amend the 75th section of article
30 of the code of public general laws, 310.
Also, an act to amend the 65th article of the
code of public local laws, relating to the transpor-
tation of slaves, &c, on rail roads, steamboats,
&c, read first time, 300.
Also, an act to amend the 30th article of pub-
lic general laws, by adding new sections prohibit-
ing the publication of incendiary documents, 333;
proceedings on, 431, 432, 433, 434, 545.
Also, an act to repeal the 31st, 32d, 33d, 34th,
35th, 37th and 38th sections of article 6 of the
code of public general laws, 333.
Also, an act to amend the 27th article of the
code of public general laws, by adding new sec-
tions, making negro testimony competent in cer-
tain cases, 333.
Also, an act to amend the 65th article of the
code of public general laws, by repealing the 42d,
43d, 44th, 45th, and 46th sections, relating to the
manumission of slaves, &c, 333; passed, 851.
Also, an act to amend the 36th section of the
22d article of the code of public laws, by increas-
ing the pay of the clerk to the commissioners of
Worcester county, 383.
Minority report of, an act to amend the code of
public local laws, by repealing sections 42, 43,
44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 55, 56, 57,