950 index.
vert, Howard, Kent and Baltimore counties, enti-
tled, an act to appoint a board of commissioners
for the Letter control and management of the free
colored population in said counties, amended and
passed, 803—See Colored Population.
The Senate bill to provide for printing and in-
dexing the, passed, 880.
A bill entitled, an act to amend the 60th, 61st,
62d, 63d, 64th, 65th, 66th, 68th and 69th sec-
tions of article 55 of the code of public local laws,
relating to licenses for the sale of spirituous and
fermented liquors, and to amend the 86th, 87th,
88th, 89th, 90th, 91st, 92d, 93d and 94th sections
of article 55 of the code of public general laws,
relating to licenses of oyster houses and eating
houses, amended and passed, 900.
A bill entitled, an act to amend the 4th article
of the code of public local laws, by repealing sec-
tions 385, 393, 394, 395, 396 and 397, relating to
inspection of hay in the city of Baltimore, passed,
The Senate bill entitled, an act to add the fol-
lowing sections, relating to public schools, to ar-
ticle 83 of the code of public general laws, 918.
COLLEGES AND ACADEMIES—Motion to strike out the
enacting clause of Baltimore Female College, lost,
184; proceedings on, 185, 186; passed, 187.
Westernport Academy—See Corporations.
of, asking aid from the Legislature, 36; invitation
of, to visit the same, accepted, 100.
granted the, to introduce a bill for the better regu-
lation of religious meetings of the colored popula-
tion, 30.
Leave granted to, to report a bill on the colored
population of this State, 42.
Petition on the free negro population referred
to, 44.
Leave granted to, to bring in a bill to sell free
negroes for debt in certain cases, 44.