948 INDEX.
port, 231.
COLLINS, S. F.—See Worcester County.
COLLINS, H. D.—See Worcester County
COLLINS, SAMUEL—See Dorchester County.
CODE, MARYLAND GENERAL—Report of the codifiers,
and report of, of the, appointed by the late Legis-
lature to examine the proposed code laid before
the House and referred, 33; message relating to
and recommending immediate action on the same,
57; rules suspended, read the first time, and by
special order the second and third times and
passed by yeas and nays, 58.
An act to amend the 85th section of article 21;
See Washington County.
Leave granted to Judiciary committee to in-
troduce a bill to amend the 110th and 111th of,
in relation to penalties for Helling Lottery Tickets,
That the committee on the Judiciary to inquire
into the expediency of repealing section 603, of,
in relation to hucksters, 100; favorable report,
112; read by special order and passed, 171.
Report of the committee on the Constitution as
to mode of adding to, and amending the, 105.
Leave granted the Allegany delegation to bring
in a bill to amend the 18th section of article 1st,
of public local laws relating to salary of clerk of
Allegany county, 110. See Allegany.
To amend the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15,
17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 28, 30, 31, 38, 44, 49, 50
and 51, of article 35 of, relating to elections, so
as to exclude the city of Baltimore from the opera-
tion of said sections, &c, and substitute, &c, 129;
made special order of the day, and printed by
yeas and nays, 130.
Bill reported from committee on the Judiciary,
to amend the 24th article of the code of public
general laws, by amending the 19th section re-