index. 945
printers for advertising, &c, 426; proceedings on;
read second time and passed, 648.
Also, on bill to pay William A. Spencer, clerk
of Court of Appeals, for fees due him, 426; read
second time, and by special order passed, 490.
A bill from the Senate entitled, an act appropri-
ating a sum of money for rendering more secure
against tire the State House and Public Archives,
for erecting a fire-proof record office, and for en-
larging the Library Room and Hall of the House
of Delegates; referred to, 431; favorable report
and passed, 439.
A bill from the Senate to authorise the State
Treasurer, upon the warrant of the Comptroller,
to pay to Martha A. Lee, administratrix of Z.
Collins Lee, the salary of said judge for the quar-
ter ending the 1st of January, 1860; referred to,
A bill from the Senate to compensate Joseph
M. Palmer for professional service in the case of
State vs. George Hape, and State vs. George Otto,
in the Circuit court for Carroll county; read first
time and referred to, 469.
Favorable report by a select committee on an
act to refund Henry T. Scott, administrator of
William Scott, late collector, moneys overpaid in
the Treasury; referred to, 481.
Favorable report on bill to pay Mrs. M. E.
Green arrears of rent of house for State fire en-
gine, 541; passed, 759.
Favorable on the bill entitled, an act for the
benefit of Madison Gassaway, one of the legal re-
presentatives of Henry Gassaway, late of, 541;
read second time, and by special order, and pass-
ed, 598.
Favorable report on bill to pay John D. Ehlers,
a private in the Baltimore City Guard, for injuries
received during the riots on the main stem of the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 541; read second
time, and by order, and passed, 600.
Also, on bill to refund to Thomas E. Gittings,
of Baltimore county, for taxes erroneously paid