INDEX. 939
judge of election for town commissioners, 442;
read first time and by special order second and
third times and passed, 471.
Favorable report on bill to amend the 8th arti-
cle of the code of public local laws, by adding
thereto sections giving the president and commis-
sioners of the village of Port Deposit the power
to pave the streets, borrow money, &c, read the
first time and by special order the second and
third time and passed, 615.
Favorable report on bill to amend the 57th sec-
tion of the code of public local laws, which fixes
the pay of the county commissioners of, by substi-
tuting for said section the following, which in-
creases the pay, read second time and by order
third time and passed, 685.
Favorable report on bill to incorporate the vil-
lage of Rising Sun in, read second time and by or-
der third time and passed.
Favorable report on bill granting the leave of
the Legislature to the devise made in the last will
and testament of Benjamin Bowen, late of, read
second time and by order third time, and passed,
The bill to amend the 61st section of the 8th
article of the code of public local laws, relating
to election districts in, by changing the divisional
line, favorably reported and passed, 743.
act authorising the mayor and city council of Bal-
timore to endorse the bonds of the, passed, 913.
CHARLES COUNTY—Leave was granted delegation from,
to report a bill authorising board of commis-
sioners of, to levy a sufficient sum of money to
support Pere Wilmer, at the Lunatic Asylum of
Maryland, 95; favorable report, passed by yeas
and nays, 154.
Favorable report on bill to provide for making
indices to the land and other records in the clerk's
office for, and for other purposes; read, and by
order second and third time and passed, 300.