THURSDAY, March 1, 1860.
The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened
with prayer by the Rev. Father Duffy.
Present at the call of the roll the following members:
Messrs. Kilbourn, Speaker, Durant, Morgan, Rasin, Med-
ders, Welch, Mackubin, Briscoe, Parran, Compton, Burgess,
Ford, Worthington, Denison, of Baltimore county, Quinlan,
Jones, of Talbot, Chaplain, Dennis, of Som., Long, Stanford,
Lawson, Linthicum, Keene, Wilson, of Cecil, Maxwell, Miller,
Bryan, Wotton, Jones, of Prince George's, Legg, Starkey,
Landing, Dennis, of Worcester, Kessler, Claggett, Routzahn,
Johnson, Salmon, Naill, Wilson, of Harford, Bayless, Mc-
Coy, Straughn, Goldsborough, Krafft, Booze, Seth, Berry,
Crowley, McAllister, Smith, Turner, of Balt. city, Denison, of
Baltimore city, Coudy, Eakle, Brining, Freaner, Stake, Grif-
fith, Harding, Gordon, Barnard, Beall, McCleary, Roop,
Gorsuch, Mills, Turner, of Howard, and Brown.
The proceedings of yesterday were read.
The Speaker laid before the House the following:
Annapolis, February 29, 1860.
To the Hon. E. G. Kilbourn,
Speaker of the House of Delegates of Maryland:
Sir: Allow me to place before your honorable body a reso-
lution emanating from a convention in California. The said
convention having been convened by an act of the Legislature
of California, it is to be hoped that as such it may be received
and acted on by your honorable body, though presented in
this informal manner.
Will you be so good as to perform the act of courtesy to
California, by presenting the enclosed copy of the said reso-
lution to the Legislature of Maryland; and much oblige,
Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
Resolved, in convention assembled, That we do earnestly
and respectfully petition each and every State in the Ameri-
can Union, through their Legislatures, to cooperate with us