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Proceedings of the House, 1856
Volume 659, Page 242   View pdf image
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242          JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS [Feb. 7,

Three fourths of the members concurring, the said resolution
was read the second time and adopted.

On motion of Mr. Hall,

Leave was granted to the Committee on Corporations to bring
in a bill to amend the charter of the Union Plank or Turnpike
Road Company, passed at January session 1854.

On motion of Mr. Silver,
The rules were suspended to enable him to report favorably as
chairman of the committee on corporations the following bills:

A bill entitled, an act to amend the act entitled, an act to in-
corporate the Dime Savings Bank in the city of Baltimore passed
at January session 1854, chapter 320;

Which was read the first time.

Also, a bill entitled, an act to authorize the mayor and council-
men of the city of Cumberland to issue the bonds of said city,
for the purpose of procuring a plentiful supply of pure water;

Which was read the first time.

Also on a bill entitled, an act to incorporate the trustees of
Mount St. Mary's Hall Hampden, a literary institution in Balti-
more county;

Which was read the first time.

Also, on a bill entitled, an act further amendatory of the act
entitled, an act to incorporate the Cumberland and Pennsylvania
Railroad Company.                                                   

And on a bill entitled, an act to extend the charter of the Balti-
more Steam Packet Company, passed at December session, 1839,
chapter 328, for the period of twenty years.

Mr. Frazier from the Committee on Claims, reported favorably
on a bill entitled, an act to appropriate a sum of money to pay Geo.
W. Dowell, late sheriff of Calvert county, for certain fees due
him by the State.

Which was read the first time.

Mr. Rankin, chairman of the Committee on Pensions reported
unfavorably on a petition of William J. Emory, of Queen Anne's
county, asking for the payment of money due his mother, a revo-
lutionary pensioner.

On motion of Mr. Smith of Carroll,
Leave was granted to introduce a bill providing for the appoint-
ment of a general superintendent of the State House and grounds
attached, and the repeal of all orders and laws assigning to vari-
ous persons this duty.                                                 


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Proceedings of the House, 1856
Volume 659, Page 242   View pdf image
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