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Proceedings of the House, 1856
Volume 659, Page 131   View pdf image
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132            JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS           [Jan. 25,

A bill entitled, an act to change the name of Corner Ketch in
Cecil county to the name of Nickleville;

Which was read the second time.

A bill entitled, an act to pay the Patuxent Company and Lau-
rel Machine Company of Prince George's county, certain taxes
erroneously paid by them;

On motion of Mr. Brooke,                     

The bill was postponed till Monday next.

A bill entitled, an act to authorize the issue of duplicate certi-
ficates, bonds, or coupons in the cases therein mentioned;

Which was read the second time.

A bill entitled, an act to authorize the payment to George W.
Nutwell a certain sum of money therein mentioned to compen-
sate him for the loss of a negro slain in an attempt to secure his

Which was read the second time.                                        

A bill entitled, an act prescribing when, where and before whom
the Governor of the State shall take the oath of office;             

Which was read the second time.

A bill entitled, an act to authorize the devise and bequest of
Margaret A. Ward, to the Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal
Churches at Kingston and Merumsco, in Somerset county;

Was read the second time.                        

A bill entitled, an act to authorize Judges of Courts having
criminal jurisdiction to provide more effectually for the services
of the process of their respective courts.


On motion of Mr. Partridge,

The said bill was postponed till Wednesday next.

A bill entitled, a supplement to an. act entitled, an act to incor-
porate the Worcester Rail Road Company, passed at the January
session 1853, chapter 273.

Mr. Timmons proposed the following amendments, which were


Sec. 1. Strike out the word "county," in the second line of the
first section, so as to read "Worcester Railroad Company;" in the
15th line of the same section, insert the word ''fact" instead of
"part;" in the 19th line strike out the words "of a President," so
as to read, "said Company shall be managed by a board consist-
ing of twenty one directors."

Sec. 3. Strike out the. word "three," and insert "five," so as


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Proceedings of the House, 1856
Volume 659, Page 131   View pdf image
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