1916] OF THE SENATE. 121
State of Maryland and to the War Department of the United
[Which was read the first time and referred to the Com-
mittee on Federal Relations. ]
Mr. Ogden, from Committee on Judicial Proceedings, re-
ported favorably Senate Bill No.. 34, entitled "An Act to repeal
and re-enact with amendments Section 31 of Article 93 of the
Annotated Code of Public General Laws of Maryland of 1911
(Bagby's Code), title 'Corporations, 'sub-title 'Amendments
after Organization. ' "
Amendment proposed by Mr. Ogden: "Strike out Sec-
tion 2. " [Which was read and adopted. ] [Which favorable re-
port was adopted, which was read the second time and ordered
printed for a third reading. ]
Mr. Collier, from Select Committee, reported favorably Sen-
ate Bill No, 59, entitled "An Act to authorize and empower
the Mayor and Council of Easton to purchase the leasehold
interest of Tire Easton Town Hall Company in the building;
known as the Market House Building, or Music Hall (the
leasehold interest being a part of said Market House Building),
at and for the sum of four thousand eight hundred and forty
dollars, and to borrow the sum of six thousand dollars at the
current rate of interest, not exceeding 6 per centum per an-
num, for the purpose of paying for said purchase and for mak-
ing repairs and necessary improvements in the Market House
Building, and to execute a mortgage on said building, includ-
ing the leasehold interest purchased,, to secure the payment
of the semi-annual interest and the principal sum of six thou-
sand dollars within a period of fifteen years. "
[Which favorable report was adopted, which was read the
second time and ordered printed for a third reading. ]
Mr. Zihlman, from Select Committee, reported favorably
Senate Bill No. 24, entitled "An Act to create a new election
precinct in Allegany county, to be known as Precinct No. 3
of Election District No,, S. "
Amendment proposed by Mr. Zihlman: "Strike out Section 3
of the Bill. " [Which was read and adopted. ] [Which favor-
able report was adopted, which was read the second time and
ordered printed for a third reading. ]