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Session Laws, 1961
Volume 654, Page 972   View pdf image (33K)
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972                              Laws of Maryland                        [Ch. 616

wares, or things of value by means of a false pretense, and
upon conviction, shall be fined or imprisoned, or both, as provided
in Section 140 of this article, at the discretion of the court. Where
the value of such money, credit, goods, release, wares or anything of
value is less than one hundred dollars, such person, upon conviction,
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not more than
fifty dollars or imprisoned for not more than eighteen months in the
house of correction or jail, or both fined and imprisoned in the dis-
cretion of the court and the trial magistrates of the counties [and
police magistrates in the City of Baltimore] shall have concurrent
jurisdiction over such offense with the circuit courts of the counties
[and with the Criminal Court of Baltimore City, as the case may be].
The giving of the aforesaid worthless check, draft or negotiable
instrument shall be prima facie evidence of intent to cheat or de-
fraud; provided that if such person shall be a bona fide resident of
the State of Maryland and shall deposit with the drawee of such
paper within ten days thereafter funds sufficient to meet the same,
with all costs and interest which may have accrued, he shall not be
prosecuted under this section, and no prosecution either by present-
ment, indictment or otherwise, shall be instituted or commenced until
after the expiration of said period of ten days.

Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That Article 27 of the An-
notated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition), title, "Crimes and Punish-
ments", Section 144, be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with
amendments, to read as follows:

§ 144. Obtaining money, etc., by check or other negotiable instru-
ment with intent to stop payment.

Every person who shall obtain money, credit, goods, wares or any-
thing of value, of the value of one hundred dollars or more, from
another by means of a check, draft or any other negotiable instru-
ment of any kind, with intent at the time of giving such instrument
without the consent of such other to stop or countermand the payment
of the same or otherwise to cause the drawee thereof to disregard or
dishonor or refuse to recognize such instrument, shall be deemed to
have obtained such money, credit, goods, wares, or other thing of
value with intent to cheat and defraud another and upon conviction,
shall be fined or imprisoned or both, as provided in § 140 of this
article, at the discretion of the court. Where the value of such money,
credit, goods, wares or anything of value is less than one hundred
dollars, such person, upon conviction, shall be deemed guilty of a mis-
demeanor and fined not more than fifty dollars or imprisoned for not
more than eighteen months in the house of correction or jail, or both
fined and imprisoned in the discretion of the court, and the trial
magistrates of the counties [and police magistrates in the City of
Baltimore] shall have concurrent jurisdiction over such offense with
the circuit court of the counties [and with the Criminal Court of
Baltimore City, as the case may be]. And upon the trial of any
person accused of violation of this section, the fact that such person
without the consent of such other to stop or countermand the counter-
manded payment of such instrument, or otherwise caused the drawee
to disregard or dishonor the same without returning or tendering the
return of the thing so obtained shall be presumptive evidence of such
intent to cheat and defraud.


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Session Laws, 1961
Volume 654, Page 972   View pdf image (33K)
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