544 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 410
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That new Section 203A be and
it is hereby added to the Code of Public Local Laws of Washington
County (1957 Edition, being Article 22 of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Maryland), title "Washington County", sub-title "County
Commissioners", to follow immediately after Section 203, and to read
as follows:
The Board of County Commissioners of Washington County, in its
discretion and as the best interests of the county government and of
the residents and employees of the county require, from time to time
may establish and regulate the office hours and working hours of the
County Commissioners and of all offices and employments within and
under the county government.
Sec, 4. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1961.
Approved April 24, 1961.
(Senate Bill 434)
AN ACT to authorize and empower the County Commissioners of
Frederick County, from time to time, to borrow not exceeding
Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000) in order to finance the construc-
tion, acquisition, improvement or extension of public schools in
said County, as herein defined, and to effect such borrowing by the
issuance and sale to the highest bidder or bidders at public sale of
its general obligation, serial maturity coupon bonds in like par
amount; empowering said County to fix and determine, by resolu-
tion, the form, tenor, interest rate or method of arriving at the
same, terms, including redemption and registration provisions,
conditions, maturities and all other details incident or necessary
to the issuance, public sale and delivery of said bonds, without
reference to any other law heretofore enacted; prescribing the
method and manner of selling said bonds at public sale; empower-
ing said County, subject to certain limitations, to sell said bonds
at, above or below the par value thereof; empowering said County
to refund any of said bonds purchased or redeemed in advance of
maturity; empowering and directing said County to apply to the
the payment of principal and interest of said bonds and said
refunding bonds any funds received from the State of Maryland
and the United States of America, which may be properly allocable
to said purpose; empowering and directing said County to contract
to levy and to levy, impose and collect annually ad valorem taxes
which, in addition to the State and Federal allotments, if any, will
provide funds sufficient for the payment of said maturing principal
and interest; exempting said bonds and said refunding bonds and
Explanation: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.