1758 Vetoes
the provisions of Article 2, Section 17 of the Maryland Constitution,
I am returning this bill to you along with my veto message.
Senate Bill No. 305 is a local bill that pertains only to Calvert
County. The Sponsor of the bill, Senator Edward T. Hall, has advised
my office that after this bill was approved by both houses of the
General Assembly there was some question, lodged by the State De-
partment of Health, relative to the wisdom of this legislation. Senator
Hall has advised me that after consultation with the Health Depart-
ment, a new bill was drawn, known as Senate Bill No. 571, approved
by both houses of the General Assembly and was subsequently signed
by me. Because of this, the Senator has requested that I veto this
particular bill.
In compliance with this request, I have exercised my right to veto.
With kindest regards, I remain
Sincerely yours,
Senate Bill No. 459—Peddlers in Wicomico County
AN ACT to add new Section 24A to the Code of Public Local Laws
of Wicomico County (1959 Edition, being Article 23 of the Code
of Public Local Laws of Maryland), title "Wicomico County", sub-
title "Crimes and Punishments", to follow immediately after Sec-
tion 24 thereof, making it unlawful in Wicomico County, with
certain exceptions, to conduct the business of, or to act as an
itinerant or door-to-door peddler or salesman of goods, wares or
merchandise without a license, providing the conditions and pro-
cedures for the issue of such license and relating generally to
itinerant or door-to-door peddlers or salesmen in Wicomico County.
May 3, 1961.
Hon. George W. Delia
President of the Senate
403 Warren Avenue
Baltimore 30, Maryland
Dear Mr. President:
I have today vetoed Senate Bill No. 459 and in accordance with the
provisions of Article 2, Section 17 of the Maryland Constitution, I
am returning this bill to you along with my veto message.
This office was advised by the Attorney General by letter dated
April 25, 1961, that in the opinion of that office, Senate Bill No. 459
does not meet with the provisions of the Maryland Constitution. That
particular letter is attached to this veto message and is intended to
be a part of it.