1732 Joint Resolutions
control over a major function within the respective department,
bureau, board, commission or other agency, who shall not be subject
to the provisions of a forty hour week"; and (2) study the necessity
or desirability of amending the present statute Section 76 of Article
100 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, 1957 Edition and 1960 Sup-
plement, or of implementing the existing statute with additional
legislation; and be it further
Resolved, That the Legislative Council be and it is hereby re-
quested to report the results of its studies of these problems, to-
gether with any new recommendations it may make, to the General
Assembly of 1962.
Approved May 3, 1961.
No. 32
(House Joint Resolution 44)
House Joint Resolution expressing appreciation and gratitude to the
Prince George's County Study Committee on Fire Taxes for serv-
ices to the Prince George's Senator and Delegation to the General
Assembly of Maryland.
Whereas, the Prince George's County Study Committee on Fire
Taxes was established pursuant to Joint Resolution No. 15 of the
Acts of 1959; and
Whereas, the members of said Committee have worked diligently
and unceasingly in order to prepare a report in ample time for con-
sideration by the State Senator and the Members of the House of
Delegates from Prince George's County during the 1961 Session of
the General Assembly; and
Whereas, the splendid service rendered by the entire personnel
of said Committee has been of immeasurable benefit and assistance to
the members of the General Assembly, and particularly those mem-
bers from Prince George's County; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That apprecia-
tion and gratitude is hereby expressed to the members of the Study
Committee on Fire Taxes, Jesse S. Baggett, Chairman, Frank Bri-
guglio, Charles Burton, Robert C. Byrus, Carlos Dixon, R. A.
Donnelly, Jr., Charles Gray, Jr., Floyd Heimer, Lloyd C. McClellan,
Walter F. Mulligan, Roland L. Nichols, Jr., James Randall, Frederick
J. Richardson and John A. Scheibel, for their excellent and outstand-
ing service in assisting the State Senate and the House of Delegates,
resulting from their study and analysis of the fire service facilities
in Prince George's County; and be it further
Explanation: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law,
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.
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